Game On

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Tucking the gun back into her waistband, Kagami tried her best to fight against the crowd and move towards what looked like a small table where phones were being handed out to the players. As soon as Kagami got her hands on a phone, she was surprised to see Usagi run up to her and grab onto her arm,

"Kagami, are you okay?" She asked, looking at her like she was an injured puppy. "Did Niragi hurt you? I wanted to come back to help but I didn't know what to do." She told her. Kagami smiled softly back at her.

"I'm fine. Don't be ridiculous, the whole point of me pointing the gun at Niragi was to help you. I'm glad that you're safe. Do you know what's going on?" Kagami asked.

Usagi shook her head before looking around to see that most of the crowd who had already gotten a phone were all standing around looking at something. Grabbing onto Kagami's hand, Usagi pulled her through the crowd to see what the others were looking at.

Kagami looked around them, she noticed that the executive members were all standing around as well. Moving to the front of the crowd, Kagami's eyes widened at the sight of the body of a female Beach member with a knife sticking out of her chest. She was dead. Kagami vaguely knew of the woman from around the Beach. If she wasn't mistaken, she and another girl were often seen together. Looking around her, Kagami's eyes fell onto the very girl who she thought she had always seen the dead girl with. She didn't know her name but had always remembered their faces. They were both high schoolers and Kagami watched quietly as the dead girl's friend ran forward and fell at her dead friend's side.

"Momoka!" She cried out. "Momoka, why?" She asked, tears running down her face as she spoke while everyone else watched on in silence. Just as the silence was becoming unbearable, they all heard a chime from their phones which lit up.

"Game: Witch Hunt" The serene voice greeted them as they all read along on the phones. "The murderous witch who killed this girl is hiding amongst you in plain sight. The witch role is not limited to women. To clear the Game you must find the Witch and burn him or her in the Fire of Judgement. Time Limit: Two Hours."

Kagami's eyes flicked up to the windows that revealed a fire burning outside of the building. It was safe to assume that was the so called 'Fire of Judgement'. Confirming her suspicions, one of the male Beach members ran towards the group to tell them all that there was a fire at the back of the building. Kagami knew that many people were going to die in this game and she could already imagine the horrendous smell that would emerge from the amount of bodies that were going to be thrown into it. If only Hatter was still alive. He surely, even with all of his faults, would have been able to handle this situation better than Aguni was going to handle it.

"We have to find whoever murdered Momoka and burn them in the Fire of Judgement." An stated to the group and Kagami looked away from the raging fire and onto her. She was so glad that An was here. If anyone could keep things under control it was her. That was until she caught sight of Niragi who was now pushing his way through the crowd with his assault rifle over his shoulder. Niragi must have gone to go and grab it and come back.

"A witch Hunt game, huh? This ought to be fun." He smiled, still making his way through the crowd, towering over nearly all of them. Kagami's eyes flicked down to the phone, they were already 30 seconds into the game. "If we both survive this..." Niragi began, causing Kagami's eyes to shoot up to look at where he stood just inches away from her, "I promise I'll change for you. We'll finally be happy together, right?" He smiled, planting a quick kiss on her cheek.

"Uh huh, I'll believe it when I see it." She replied not even bothering to look at him.

Niragi ignored her comment and turned to address the crowd. Kagami felt done with him in a way that she never had before. The sight of him made her both physically ill and angry and she wondered whether changing would be enough for her to look past everything he had done. She wished more than anything that the good in him could outweigh the bad, but it didn't. She also wondered whether or not she would have reached this point with Niragi without Chishiya. Especially when Kagami was certain that while she didn't love him, she had at least a small amount of feelings for Chishiya. If she had to choose between the two men with a gun to her head, the decision which once would have been Niragi for sure had shifted into a grey zone. She didn't know who she would choose now. That was another sign for Kagami that the love she had for Niragi was shifting into something ugly and there was only one thing Niragi could do to win her back. Choose her over Aguni and the Beach. But, Niragi loved the blood and violence more than he loved her and always would.

Love In Borderland Niragi x OC x ChishiyaWhere stories live. Discover now