Part 1- Mr Pot

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A/N Hi there! THANK U FOR READING THIS ❤️ this is my first story so feel free to comment where I made mistakes and I'll fix them =] language warning I guess? ENJOY <333

Also- future me here, these first chapters are repulsive to me now. Give it a shot, please. I promise it gets better.

Also this part is kinda short-

Stuart Pot. Where to begin? Stu, 2D, Stu-Pot, Faceache, so many names he goes by... but to me, he is always just plain Stuart.  Of course he is, that's who I met him as. Hi, I'm y/n and this is how I know Stuart.

It was the first day of year 7 (England 😻🔥), and I was a nervous wreck, the car journey there all I could think about was if people were going to like me. I must have looked a state! Poorly brushed hair, rushed and inexperienced mascara, a massive bag and a ginormous blazer that my mum was convinced i'd 'grow into', I kept that blazer until year 11.

'Ok... y/n big smiles! I want to capture this moment!', my mum called as I nervously started walking up to the tall gates. I sheepishly turned and tried to smile... this would be fine, right!? Everyone else is in the same boat as me... I don't have anyone I know at this school, but that's just an opportunity to make friends!  I walked off as a group of girls in year 10 smiled at each other and made comments about how cute the little year 7s were.

We weren't allowed to talk for like the whole of the first day, how the hell were we meant to make friends?  In form, I was sat at the back, next to a short plump-ish boy who looked like he couldn't give two shits about how he looked or about the school, occasionally cracking a few jokes or making stupid noises, which got attention and approval from many other like-minded boys in the class. Next to me was a very pretty girl about my height, dark hair in ponytails, I decided I wanted to be her friend, until she started picking her nose and eating it. Who does that in public? In the register I learnt the boys name was Jonathan and the girls Sammy. However, one girl caught my eye as friend potential, her name was Alana and she had very pretty long brown hair, and I mean LONG. She was quite pretty and I was sure people were going to like her. I mean, I already did!

When we all trudged over to the main hall later that day to get our school photos taken, I was taken aback when two hands grabbed my hair and fixed it. I whipped my head around and whispered 'thank you!' to be polite. I had to do a double take because the boy had bright blue spiky hair! How did I not notice him before? He smiled back at me. The line started to move.

'I'm Stuart by the way' He whispered as he slightly leaned forward, due to him being quite tall. I couldn't see him, but I could feel his presence.


'EXCUSE ME! MR POT AND MISS Y/LN SILENCE YOURSELVES. Also Mr Pot, we need a word about your hair...'

Stuart then got pulled out the line. I blushed a deep red: now everyone is going to think i'm a trouble maker and the teachers are going to hate me! At least I know his name now. Stuart Pot.

Stuart. - 2D X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now