Part 6- Reclaiming the tree

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After that day, Stuart began talking to me in school.
It started when he would walk to lessons with me, then talking to me during lessons sometimes, and then one day spending his break with me.
Of course Paula and Millie made a massive deal about it. I tried to ignore them though.

It was clear that we both enjoyed each other's company, potentially more than we did with our own friends. We stuck to our societal circles though, but the link between Stuart and I was something special.

One particular day in school, we were going in for vaccinations... something I'm not too good with...  I tried to remain with my composure but I guess I probably wasn't doing too good of a job as Stuart stood behind me and put both his hands on either of my arms.  He leaned in and whispered into my ear;
'Hey... I know youer nervous but I know ya can do it, you helped me with my whale skeleton, so I'll help ya with youer needles, right? All ya haf to do is get it ova with, but whilst it's gettin' done, fink of somefing funny.'
I nodded and held my hand out behind me, it was quickly engulfed by his hand, the warmth dissolving all the stress I had built up. I sat down and looked to the side whilst the nurse did it. I know, stupid thing to be afraid of, but Stuart was scared of whales! Speaking of, when it was actually happening, I thought of that music lesson when he was talking about his bloopy sounds, it was so funny but he seemed so passionate and genuine, I couldn't help but store it as a key memory of him.
I stood up and waited for Stuart to get his done, he looked at me whilst he did it, how could he be so brave whilst they were sticking a needle into his arm? He gave me a reassuring smile.
He stood up and walked over to me, not before checking if Paula or Millie was close, and rested his hand on my shoulder.
'There! That wernt so bad was it?'
'I- I guess not. Thanks for helping me back there!' I said as a gave a genuine smile.
'Nah, it's jus me returnin what you did at the museum! Here... I know that stressed ya out, so I've got a surprise to show ya after school. Meet me by the gate, yeah? Right I gotta go, Paula just broke up with her boyfriend and I gotta be there to swoop in ya know?' He gave a cheeky wink at that last point.
He no longer tried to conceal his crush on Paula with me at that point, and I admit, I didn't really want him to get with her, just because she was such a bitch, and definitely no other reasons at all.

The rest of the day, all I could do was think about what that 'surprise' was he wanted to show me... Lessons seemed to drag on until finally, last period. That physics teacher would not shut up! All I had to do after this was put my books in my locker and then go find Stuart...
Time came and the bell rang, so I rushed to put my science folder away in my titchy little locker, it was nothing like how I expected from all that American media. It was just about big enough to fit a bag and a coat in. I shoved my folders in, and then shut the locker door, only to be met with a face on the other side!
'Hey thfere.' He laughed a little
'Ya still want me to show you that surprise right?'
'Yes! Of course, I've been waiting all day, it better be good.'
'Trust me, it's worf et.'
He refused to tell more about this 'secret' and took me on a long walk, up until a residential area that was surrounded by trees.
'Well, this is my house.' He tilted his head towards a detached medium sized house. It was pretty decent for the area we were living in, mine being a small ish semi-detached house.
'It's nice!'
'We're not 'ere for that though...'
He silently led me into the woods, dead and decaying leaves littered the forest floor, the smell of nature reverberating my lungs. The quiet crunches felt amplified as we walked down a vague path of sorts, which led to a grand tree, not too far into the forest, but also far enough you couldn't hear any cars or see any houses. It wasn't just a tree though, it was a tree with a tree house inside. It looked handmade, in a good way.
'This is my real house.'
'You have a tree house? I always wanted one of these!'
'Come on up then!'
There was a wooden ladder nailed into the body of the great tree, Stuart's lanky limbs began to scale it as he ascended and eventually lifted himself into the tree house. I decided to just go for it, and dumped my blazer and bag on the floor. I tried to climb up too, making good progress for someone who isn't used to climbing trees.
I could see Stuart sitting near the edge, watching me climb up, I was almost there when I lost my footing and slipped down, not before a hand caught my outstretched arm. I genuinely thought I was going to die.
'Careful there!' He tried to pull me up and I used my free arm and legs to push my self up to him. As soon as I was up and safe I pulled him up into a tight embrace, my heart pumping so fast it might have exploded. My breath was quick and choppy, Stuart's too, considering he used a large amount of strength to pull me up with him.
'Thanks- thank for saving my life.'
'No problem. I already fell outta here once and now look at meh! Migraines and blue 'air!'
'Wait... so this is the famous tree?! You never said it was a treehouse?'
'Well, it wasn't. I wanted ta reclaim it as my own. So I built this 'Ouse up 'ere! You're the first person I've told about its existence, and brought up wiv meh.'
We shared eye contact and a smile. Only then did I take a break to truly admire the tree house. There was blankets, pillows, various non perishable snacks, a portable CD player, a radio and a portable DVD player/tv, complete with films to watch with it. These being all zombie ones of course. The ceiling was well crafted and had fairy lights nicely draped from it. I reckon Stuart had probably stayed here for a few nights before.
' Really? How come you chose me then?'
'I don't know, I fink we hav' sum sorta special connection or some fink...'
He awkwardly smiled at me, scrunching his nose up a bit.
'So what do you do up here?'
'Mostly listen ta' music and smoke... watch a movie or two and then fall asleep...'
'Doesn't it get cold?'
'Yeh, a bit, but it's blissful serenity up 'ere.'
'Should we watch a movie then?'
'Yeh! I'll choose one!' He leaned over to his collection and studied them, until he pulled out one. I can't remember what it was but I remembered I liked it. Stuart seemed really focused on the movie, and so was I, so much so I forgot about time. The credits rolled and only then did I realise how late and cold it was.
'Oh my god! Stuart look at the time! My mums probably worried sick!' I frantically flipped my phone open to text her, but instead of her asking where I was, there was another message from her...

Mum <3
Hey babygirl, I'm staying at my friend Jenna's 2nite cuz her boyfriend Martin broke up with her. We have stuff 4 pasta in the house. C u tomorrow Xx

I sighed a breath of relief.

'You alright? You gotta go? It's a bit late, I should walk ya back...'
'No, it's ok! My mum isn't home today so I guess I can stay if that's cool with you? Thanks for offering to take me back though... that's a really long way.'
'Look, youer in yer uniform still, I'll get ya summa my clothes and I'll get us sum dinner, you make yerself at home. '
And with that he left, leaving me alone in his tree house. I do feel a connection between us... and maybe, maybe I was doubting my previous feelings and shying away from what they were, because... because I think I like Stuart more than as a friend.

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