Part 10- st nds

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I took his hand and lead him out of the dense forest and up to the nearest bus stop. He looked at me in confusion and tried to get me to tell him where we were going but I refused. I didn't want to ruin the surprise. We waited for the bus, which arrived 7 minutes late in typical bus fashion. We had two more of these to catch after this one. I paid the bus driver and took Stuart to a seat in the back of the bus. There was a few old people and a few people who looked as though they were going to work, but there wasn't that many people on the bus in total. This first bus would take 24 minutes, according to my plans.
'Well, we're on the bus for half an hour to a mystery location. So maybe it's a good time to talk about Paula?'
'Maybe- it's jus, I'm a bit tired... ya know you making me wake up so early...'
I laughed it off, 'yeah sorry about that, I mean we wouldn't be getting there on ti-' I couldn't finish my sentence because Stuart had already fallen asleep on my shoulder, his hat and blue hair flopping over his face whilst being smushed into the side of mine. I carefully fixed his hat and tucked his hair behind his ear. I leaned my head on his slightly, the volume of his hair making sort of a pillow. I'd seen him sleeping before and he was still just as cute. I was reading a book for a while until I got distracted by someone talking quietly next to me.

'N- no! Fuck off ya skeleton whale.... get back in the lemonade where you belong...'
I couldn't help but laugh as Stuart narrated his dreams in his sleep. He's slept talked before when I've slept over with him and each time it was hilarious.
I was half paying attention to what he was rambling on about and half looking out the window when I heard:
'you smell like y/n... I like that smell... makes me feel happy' he then smiled in his sleep. I couldn't help but blush, being thankful he was still asleep. However his consciousness was shortly regained when we went over a particularly large bump.
'GAH! Oh hi y/n, I had the funniest dream ya know...'
'Yeah I heard.'
He blushed a little and smiled, clearly embarrassed by his talking.
'Nice to know you think I smell nice.'
'Ya heard that too?! I should be more careful who I sleep around' he said jokingly whilst raising one of his eyebrows.
'Yeah, yeah. Look we're nearly at our stop. We have another two busses to catch though'
'Aww feck, why did I agree to let you plan this' he punched me in the arm very lightly when he said 'you' (actually it was more like 'yew'). The next two bus rides were pretty normal. They weren't that long and by the time we were almost at our destination, the sun had warmed everything up. Stuart took his jacket off to reveal a tank top.
'You're wearing the right thing for where we're going.'
'Oh really? Are we almost there? Where is it?' He asked hurriedly, clearly really excited for this.
I was about to speak when the calming yet monotone  voice coming from the bus speakers announced:
'The next stop is.... Brighton Pier.'
'Looks like the bus told you for me!'
When he heard this his face erupted into a smile. He began to tell me about how when he was younger his mum would always take him there in the summer holidays and all the good memories he had. I had to interrupt him before he could finish to actually get him off the bus otherwise we would have missed our stop.

'Oh yeah, O' course, let's go!' He seized my hand and pulled me out of the bus doors and out of the stale bus air into the sunny and bright place of childhood wonder that was Brighton. Sure this was an English beach near the south east, but the vibrant colours of everything and the blue sky made all the difference past the murky greenish-gray chilly waters. I took a deep breath in of the salty air and listened to seagulls caw above us. It too brought good memories back to me, as I (just like most of the other kids in Crawley) went to Brighton in the summers of the last past. I looked around at the arcades and various cool shops that lined the coastline: fish and chip shops, surf shops, souvenir shops, arcades, ice cream and even a rollerskating hiring place amongst many other small shops on the side of busy roads onlooking the ocean.

Most of the day I had free, planned to do whatever Brighton had (which was consequently a lot) and whatever Stuart wanted to do. However, there was one thing I made sure we were going to do. I had gotten tickets for it at 4. Looking at the time now, it was 10. Just when things were starting to open.

Stuart. - 2D X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now