Part 17- Floor B

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A/N- Okay, yes its been a week since I updated this- SORRY </333 Honestly I have no idea what to write so... yeah. (DW i'm not quitting i'm just overworked with school rn) Ok enough with my waffle. (ALSO TYSM FOR 500 VIEWS <3)

'Yes, that's my name, but I don't believe we've met.'

I don't know why I lied, it was just what came out of my mouth at that moment. I probably just said it to avoid an awkward encounter, or to foil Paula's plans to break my heart.

Ill never forget the look of disappointment on his face, like someone told him his pet hamster died or something like that. He bit on the corner of his lip a little bit, leaned back again and looked down; no longer looking at me.

'Oh, its jus', i just fought you were sumone else...' He said dejectedly. Was hiding who I was really worth it?

Paula spoke up, her eyebrows furrowed and her ruby lips slightly pouted and sneering:

'Really? I coulda' swear you two knew each otha?' She kicked me in the leg under the table. She had dropped her mask; nothing had changed about her. However, I took pleasure in seeing her plans fail so I pretended to still be unbothered.

'Nope!' I plastered a smile on my face. 'Nice to meet you now though!'

I silently begged that Paula wouldn't continue with this, my lie was so weak just one more question into it would break it. Luckily enough for me, she just sighed and rolled her eyes. For the rest of the time we were at the restaurant, she was the snarky bitch I knew in secondary school, always making undermining comments about me and occasionally Stuart... or should I say 2D?

Speaking of him, he quickly lightened up again and we were getting along just fine! Paula liked to interject our conversations though. She was the first to finish her food.

'Look, I'm jus goin to the bathroom yeah? Ill be back in a few minutes.'

'Alrigh' Paula!' 2D called off to her, giving a wide smile, showing off that missing tooth.

As soon as the bathroom door closed his demeanour completely shifted. His smile dropping into a neutral and slightly stern expression, his head turning around quickly locking eye contact with me.

'2D- are you alright?'

'No, stop callin' me tha'.'

I was taken aback by his sudden change in tone and attitude towards me. He was serious and I was slightly intimidated.

'Im so-'

'I'm not that dumb ya know...'

What is he on about?

'I know it's youe y/n. I couldn't forget ya... neva call me 2d again. You hear me?' His tone shifted yet again to become aggressive at the end.

'Look I'm so so sorry Stuart I didn't mean to it's just Paula and-' I was waffling again. Making up excuses for my excuses. My throat tightened and my eyes pricked, the tell-tale signs of tears threatening to swell up and pour down my face. Why did I want to cry? Was it his tone? Was it the absence of him? Was it that I got caught? Or was it that I knew I couldn't have him the way I used to?

'No.' He sighed. He sure seemed a lot more mature then when I last saw him.

'I should be sorreh. I promise I have a good excuse ta what 'appened when I lost contact with ya' and why im back wiv Paula. I promise she is different, and I do love 'er. Ya just got to see past her exterior.' He gave a weak smile at me.

I felt a overwhelming wave of despair and sadness when he said he loved Paula. It brought me back to when he said that in secondary.

'I accept your apology. What happened to you after I left?'

Stuart. - 2D X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now