Part 9- Types of Smile

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I woke up before the sun. The night before I put together an outfit, something simple and cute, beige cargo trousers, a simple t-shirt, a cute cardigan and some converse. I slung a messenger bag over my shoulder after doing makeup, showering ect, and was out the door by 6:15. It was cold outside, but watching the sunrise distracted me from the chill in my fingers. I reached his house and began down the path. I could do this. I spent the whole of last night crying, I hated myself for that; being so weak and crying, but hey, i'm a teenager, what else am I meant to do? I had just used today as an excuse to talk to him about how he needs to stay the fuck away from Paula and how he was being a bit of a dick.

To be totally honest, seeing Paula and him do that broke my heart. Before when they dated it made my heart ache and every time they broke up I would be ecstatic. It was really a punch in the gut seeing that he'd go back to her even after what she did though...

I got to his house at around 6:44 and the tree house at 6:48. As I saw him sitting down on the floor, cigarette hanging loosely from his lips.He wasn't really looking in my direction and looked kinda pissed and tired. He was wearing jeans and the jacket with all the patches on, it was zipped up so I couldn't see what shirt he was wearing. He had a hat on, tipped down so it covered his face a bit. I couldn't help but smile when I saw him, despite how much I had cried over him yesterday. Despite how angsty he looked too .

'Hey! Stuart? You ready?'

He tilted his head up and turned it towards me.

'Yeah, suppose.' As much as I wanted to be mad at him I couldn't. I sighed out, I knew something was wrong and as his best friend I should care for him . I walked up to him and crouched down so we were eye level. He smelled really strongly of cigarettes but I could still kinda smell that sweet undertone on him.

'It's just bloody Paula. I HATE THAT BITCH AND I HATE ME SELF.' He balled his fists up as he blurted that out.

I didn't know how to feel. I thought he liked her? It didn't make sense. I put his feelings first though and put my hands on his shoulders and looked deeper into his crystal blue eyes. God, I loved them. Well, every part of him really.

'Forget about her. You and me will have fun today. I promise.'

He smiled and nodded a bit. 'Fank yew. Where we going ta anyways?'

'Its not a surprise if I tell you is it?'

******************************** Stuart's Perspective ******************************************

It was near the end of lunch when Paula came up to me. What did she want now? I hated her, and she knew that. However, she also knew I could never loose feelings for her deep down, no matter what she did. I tried to get her to fuck off though, I didn't want to get mixed up with her anyways.... I really need to take those photos above my bed down.
'Look Paula, I'm just lookin' fa y/n, so could ya jus-'

'Stuart. I'm sorry.' I froze. Only y/n called me by my full name. It always felt nice when she said it and caring, but when Paula said it, it sent an electrifying sensation down my spine. Maybe i'd listen to what she'd have to say. Maybe she was sorry. Her pretty lips turned up into a smile.

'I was just being stupid. You know you're the only one for me, and i'm the only one for you.' She put her hand up to my face so it was resting lightly on my cheek. I heated up and must have went as red as her nail polish.

'Come with me. We have to leave. Do you know anywhere... special?'

'Yeah, I suppose I do. Jus behind me house.'

'Lets go then!' She took me down to the back gate we used to climb over in year 7, when I used to be in her friend group and when we would do stuff like this.

'Bet ya miss doing this. I dont see ya out much anymore, what are you doin? We miss you.' She said as we began to run towards my house. I guess after becoming best friends with y/n I did less crime and stayed out less late and instead just did more calm things with her. It was exhilarating getting this thrill again. I really missed Paula too. Everyone deserves a second chance...

I took her to the tree house. I know. Dumb. I didn't really think. I do that a lot. God knows I regret it now.

Her reaction to it was a bit different to y/n's. Y/n really took it in and appreciated it, saw it in the same way I did, whereas Paula probably just saw it as another place to fuck in. It hadn't really crossed my mind. All I wanted to do in that moment was kiss Paula.

It was amazing, well while it lasted. We made out for a long time and I missed the feeling of her lips on mine, I took each second to really enjoy it. I have no idea how long it was. I don't want to get too into it, but the inside of her mouth felt nice, she tasted like cigarettes and everyone knows how addicted to them I was. I could feel her smile some way into it. Not long after that. She pushed me off.

'Thanks for that Stu-Pott. Bet I taste nicer than that bird y/n.'

'What? Erm, me an y/n haven't kissed before?'

'Stop lying. I know you've fucked that hoe.'

'Paula we're just friends!? Can't I have friends?' There was a few beats of silence. 'Why did you even ask me to leave with you...?'

'Jus' ta mess with ya. Thanks for showing me your tree house. It's cute.' She left as quickly as she came up to me earlier that day.

I'd been fooled by her again. HOW STUPID AM I? I fucking hated myself for letting myself go back to her. I knew she was a bitch. I knew she didn't really like me. She knew I was stupid. Oh god. Oh god. OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD. Y/N. I FORGOT ABOUT HER AT SCHOOL AND- AND- I've brought Paula to our special spot haven't I. I've ruined it. I HATE BEING THIS FUCKING THICK. GOD DAMMIT. I DESERVE WHAT PAULA DID, I'M SUCH AN IDIOT. WHY THE HELL DOES ANYONE LIKE ME? DOES ANYONE REALLY LIKE ME? I'm such a fuck up.

My stressing out was interrupted by a message. Y/n asked if I wanted to go out tomorrow with her. I felt terrible for going out with Paula. I knew she hated her, and I knew she didn't want me to get back with her but I did despite this. I replied anyways. Maybe I could fix this?

The next morning I got up at an ungodly hour and went to the tree house like she had told me to. I sat at the base for a good 30 minutes or so, thinking about everything. I lit up a cigarette to help me. I saw her approach in the corner of my eye and that sense of dread came over me again. I've failed her. She must have seen how shit I looked. She came up to me with a warm and genuine smile, the one that she was so good at, unlike Paula. All Paula did was smirk and sneer. What did I see in her? Y/n crouched down infront of me, her perfume diffusing through the air and onto me. It was sweet and vibrant, like her. She put her hands on my shoulders and I remembered why we were such good friends. I looked into her eyes and felt young, like I was instead of feeling like a depressed middle aged man. Then it just came out,

'It's just bloody Paula. I HATE THAT BITCH AND I HATE ME SELF'. I didn't mean to say that second part. It was true though. My fists balled up and I almost cried.

'Forget about her. You and me will have fun today. I promise.' I almost forgot she was taking me out somewhere today. Curiosity and excitement took over the old emotions.

'Fank yew. Where we going ta anyways?'

Of course she wouldn't tell me.

Stuart. - 2D X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now