Part 12- Pendulum

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The next day I overslept quite a bit, waking up at 11:13. I couldn't help it though, the amount of emotions I felt the day before was exhausting. I got up and ready, but was interrupted whilst brushing my teeth with a message:

Stuart <3

Hey, so remember when I asked you if you

wanted to go on a date sometime yesterday?

Well how about we ditch school tomorrow and

I take you on one then?

  Yeah, of course I remember! I've never

skipped before but it will be fun! What

should I wear?

Anything. Everything looks good on you.

A minute later I got another text,

Sorry did that come off as too strong?

Wear something casual and cute =)

I spent most of the day freaking out and imagining the date, planning outfits and trying to figure out how to bunk school without my Mum killing me; so far it was pretend to go to school and call the main office pretending to be her, but how could I manage to change clothes so that my mum thought I was going to school? Speaking of which, I had chosen an outfit after endlessly sorting through my clothes, hating myself for not having anything better. I eventually decided on some cute black boots, green baggy trousers with a slightly flared bottom and a black long sleeved top, paired with a small black bag and sunglasses. (Or whatever you want I can never decide tho 😻).

I laid my outfit out on my chair and did my nails whilst happily listening to upbeat music. I had almost forgotten I had homework to do. I quickly rushed through it (although it wouldn't be given in tomorrow) and then checked the time. 23:09. I hadn't even been up for 12 hours but I wanted to make sure I got beauty sleep. This effort barely even mattered though because I must have spent 2 hours just lying in bed in anticipation for the next day.

At some point I must have eventually gotten to sleep as I woke up again, light streaming though my window. There was a text from Stuart telling me to get changed in what I would be wearing and be ready before 8. I did exactly so, wondering how I could get away with skipping school if I was just being this obvious. I put the outfit together and did my makeup, hair and everything else. I stood in the mirror doubting how I looked, my mind couldn't decide between thinking I looked amazing or thinking I looked atrocious. I made my way to the stairs and bit my lip in anticipation for 8. What was going to happen? Would I get in trouble? Should I just go to school?

I was about to just leave when there came a knock at the door, I tried to get there first but my mum rushed in from the living room, still in her pyjamas and with a cup of tea in her hand. She yanked the door open, excited for a visitor or a delivery. Behind the door stood a very proper looking Stuart. From what I could see of him, he had done his hair nicely, where there had been obvious effort to control his blue hair, but it couldn't be done neatly. However, it didn't look bad. He wore a nice jacket i'd never seen before, it wasn't like his normal clothes, but still seemed very him. He also had loose jeans on him, but they seemed ironed and not worn like his typical ones. Seeing him like this made me giggle a little bit and blush a whole load.
'Oh hiya Stuart! Nice to see ya. Where's your school uniform? I assume your here for y/n'
'Oh umm yes miss l/n (last name), I'm 'ere for y/n. We're allowed ta wear normal clothes for today to raise money for charity, so we don't have to wear our uniform.'
'First I've heard of this! Just like my daughter to not tell me these things.'
'Thanks mum.' I called from the top of the stairs.
'Speak of the devil!' She said whilst returning back to the living room, probably to catch back up on Eastenders or something.

Stuart. - 2D X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now