Part 7 - Blanket Lasagna

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A/N First of all, i'd like to give a massive thank you to @hanyunya !!!<333 Also TYSM FOR 100 VIEWS! I would also like to note this fanfic is going to be super long, so stick around! I'll try to update more =]

My thoughts were interrupted a few minutes later by someone entering the tree house.

'I got the stuff!' Stuart said smiling, wearing a new outfit. He swung his schoolbag off his shoulder. He crouched down and unzipped it and pulled out some black generic shorts, a bomber jacket with various patches on it and the shirt he wore at the museum.

'Erm... I noticed you liked this shirt when we were at the museum, so I got it for ya and some otha clothes'

Pink crept up my face; I hadn't realized he'd seen me looking at his shirt! I admit, I did look at it a lot that day...

'OH! Thanks for this! Could you umm, turn away please?'

His face went blank; 'Oh! Forgot ya actually had to get changed, sorry! Promise I won't look.'

He turned the other way and I turned to face the wall and began to get out of my uniform.

'Do ya like lunchables and Jaffa cakes?' (For non UK readers, we have a version of lunchables that are crackers cheese and ham/chicken look it up, Jaffa cakes are like a cake with orange jelly and chocolate but are considered a biscuit for some reason )

'Yeah! I do, but umm could we talk when I'm not almost naked?'

'OH SHET YEAH' His voice did that thing again where if he was embarrassed or excited it would crack and go loud.

The clothes were pretty big and didn't look the best on me, but I liked them none the less, they were Stuarts after all.

' kay, I'm done!' I said whilst turning around to face him, he stayed true to his word and was still facing the other way, his neck twisted to face me and he immediately burst out laughing.

'I- Im sorreh, *ckk* ya- ya just look funneh- my clothes are wayy to big' He managed to get out whilst laughing.

I couldn't help but laugh too, his was just too infectious. After our laughter settled down he piped up again;

'Actulleh, the jacket doesn't look that bad, its just- just the sleeves on the shir- BAHAHAHHA' I didn't think it was that funny but this guy finds Paula funny so what do I know?

We spent a few hours listening to music, dancing and talking until it was about 10. I got a bit hungry and kinda needed a pee.

'I gotta piss... umm can I go to your house? Then can we have dinner?'

'Err- yeah... I doubt my mum will care and my dads working late, the fairs got somekinda thing goin on, maybe I can take ya sometime? Or maybe Paula on a date-' He said the last bit quietly and looked like he was thinking deep.

'Alright! See ya in a bit.'

I carefully climbed down the ladder, not forgetting what happened last time I used it. Luckily, I got down with no scratches. As I began to wander into the deep forest and tried to focus on the faint path I heard Stuart start to sing, he didn't really do it that much but it was encapsulating. I think it embarrassed him, although it really shouldn't, it was amazing. I stood there for like a minute until the sensation of needing to go to the toilet came over me again. I begrudgingly continued walking until I got to the house. I got quite nervous approaching the red door. I don't know why, he said it would be fine.

I knocked on the door and a very attractive woman with large breasts opened the door in a nurses uniform, she was very smiley although looked a bit tired.

Stuart. - 2D X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now