Part 8- The Locker

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When I woke up the next morning, the sun was just rising. I had been moved so I was lying down on the floor with various pillows under me. Despite them, my back hurt like hell and was aching. It was really hot too, probably because I was wearing a jacket and 5 layers of blankets. I peeled the blankets away and stood up, I stretched my limbs out, feeling the pain from sleeping on the floor. I took the jacket of too and put it on the floor, neatly. I picked up a few Jaffa cakes from last night for breakfast and ate them. I smiled to myself as I saw Stuart sleeping on the floor. He looked so peaceful... and cute! I felt happy seeing the faint cut still on his forehead, it had healed up quite well but was still there, like mine. I told myself to stop though. He literally has a crush on my enemy. However, I couldn't help but feel that way towards him. Now I know what Alana, Sarah, Paula and undoubtedly most of the female population in our year saw in him.

As the sun moved higher into the sky, a light beam shone right into his face, illuminating it. He began to stir and then sat up.
'Mornen' y/n' He said whilst yawning. I just looked at him in shock because as he sat up, the blankets followed the laws of gravity and fell down, revealing his shirtless torso. I WAS IN BED WITH A SHIRTLESS STUART? Damn. Now I wish I stayed in there for longer. I cocked a brow and smiled at him.
'What happened to your shirt then?'
'Oh! It were really hot under there, but I didn't want to take any blankets offa ya, you still looked pretty cold so I took me shirt off.'
We just laughed it off and continued with our morning, talking and listening to music. It dawned on me that I needed to go home before my mum got there.
'Ah fuck? Really? Aww. Well umm bring me my clothes back on Monday yeh? Want me to walk ye back?'
'I REALLY GOTTA RUN MAN, SORRY.' with that I scooped up my belongings and clambered down the tree, and shoved them into my schoolbag which was still at the base of it with my blazer. I put them on and began to run as quickly as I could home, trying to ignore my undoubtedly horrible appearance. After a good and tiring 30 minute run, I returned home.
'MUM?! Are ya there?!' I called. No response. Great!
I ran upstairs and put my stuff away. I tried to make myself look more normal and as if I hadn't stayed the night with Stuart in his tree house. I got changed, brushed my hair and teeth, did some light makeup and sat on the sofa to watch some tv. Just as I turned it on, my mum came in. She had no idea.


As time went on, I went to that treehouse more and more and Staurt and I became our own friendship group. He took me out to places and we spent like every second at school together. He still spoke to his old friend group and even was in a relationship with Paula like 4 times and once with Millie and once with Alana. Speaking of Alana, she had joined the popular group and was good friends with Millie and Paula, but was still nice enough to me. Shreya had made friends with some other girls and a boy in our class, they were quite nice. I spoke to her more than Alana, and we were still good friends, just not so much so that we were in the same friendship groups. I hated Paula even more now, and no doubt she hated me too. The first 3 times they dated, they just split for some dumb reason or another and got back together later, but this 4th time was different. Stuart caught her cheating on him with Jonathan. He was heart broken and wasn't himself for a good few weeks. My crush on him somehow got more intense, but being who I am I never said anything. I spent a lot of my free time with him.

We were in year 10 now and starting to choose subjects for GCSE's. My grades were pretty good so I wasn't that stressed out and just chose stuff that I liked. However, I did also choose music, just because Stuart was taking it. I wasn't too passionate about it but it was worth it if I could see Stuart play and hear him sing. We always had the best time in music lessons and it would be the only time he would sing with his addicting voice.

One specific day in June, Paula went too far. She had vandalised my locker with lipstick. It said 'slag'. Not very creative. That wasn't what was the problem though, she had done stuff like this many times and I didn't really care to be honest. Shreya did care though. She too was not a fan of Paula. She was sick of her treatment to me and told our head of year what she did. Paula was brought into isolation and was pissed. Someone snitched on Shreya to Paula and she was vexed. So much so, she tried to fight Shreya and tried to pull of her hijab at lunch. When I heard this I flipped. Luckily, she didn't manage to. Who does this bitch think she is? She ran away after that and out of the school before last period.

I couldn't wait to make fun of her with Stuart but unluckily for me I had maths and Stuart was in the bottom set, which I was not in so I couldn't speak to him. After school I waited for him at my locker but he didn't show up. I stood there for about 10 minutes before some janitor asked me what I was doing there. I took it as a sign and left. I was feeling a lot of emotions then, and knew there was only one place to go. Stuart's treehouse. It's where I went when I felt sad or angry, it always calmed me down, no matter if Stuart was in there or not. It obviously helped if he was though. I took the long walk down to his house and listened to music. As I approached the tree I took my headphones off. I heard the birds and the wind but also deep breathing and slight moaning. Great. Two random teenagers found the treehouse and are using it to shag in. I climbed up the ladder to go and tell them to fuck off, but almost let go in shock when I saw what was up there.

Two people, a girl and a boy. One with red lipstick, our school uniform, dark scraggly hair and a beauty mark above her lip and one with lanky limbs, our school uniform, spikey blue hair and pale skin. Paula and Stuart were making out in the corner of the treehouse. (At least they weren't fucking) I didn't know whether to feel angry or sad. They must have ditched school together and came to the treehouse. Stuart had his eyes closed, and Paula did too, but she must have heard me as she opened up her eyes and smiled a bit whilst giving me the stink eye and continuing to make out. She then moaned really loud. I rolled my eyes, gave her the finger and ran off. Crying a little...

I ended up at the bench in the park in front of my house fully ugly crying. I was mad at Paula, one for cheating on Stuart then going back in, probably just to fuck with me and to break his heart again, two for doing what she did to Shreya and three for really rubbing it in at the treehouse.

I was also mad at Stuart. He went back in for Paula. He knows I hate her and he should too! She literally cheated on him with his friend. He also ran out of school with her, and left me standing alone at my locker and didn't even message. I was also mad at him too for going with Paula after she had done that to Shreya. How could he like anyone who does something like that?

I think most of all though, I was sad. Sad because I'd let myself think I was special. I'd let myself think I was the only other person who knew about the treehouse, but now I'm not. I bet Paula, Millie and Alana have all been up there too. Now all I could do was cry. I reached down into my pocket and brought out his lighter. I liked to flick it. It had long ran out of gas but I enjoyed the sensation of my thumb on the wheel and the sparks it made. I rolled my thumb on it one more time before throwing it down with all my force onto the floor.

It just bounced. I felt pretty stupid there. I then tried to smash it with my shoe but all it did was scratch it. I felt really dumb so I just picked it up and put it in my pocket. That was one strong lighter.

It was a Friday so I had the whole weekend before I saw Stuart again. Unless...

Stuart <3

Want to go somewhere fun this weekend?

Sure where we going 2?

I can't tell U. Meet me tomorrow at your
treehouse early tmrw, b ready for anything .

C u then ;)

Stuart. - 2D X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now