Part 20- 15 Missed Calls

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PART 20 ALREADY? Damn tysm for reading this far 😭🫶 ALSO 1K TOO? I LUV U GUYS SM 🫶 major props to fairyvenom for making me get this far 😘

The next morning I woke up to 15 missed calls and 27 text messages. The time was 12:34, I had let myself sleep for longer as I didn't have work and needed a break.

I saw that Luke's name was tarnished on most of these texts and calls so I decided to get up and ready before I read them. It was nice, being alone with no targets or anyone to wait for. I allowed myself just to enjoy my cereal and the rays of light that shone through the curtains and warmed up my skin. I washed my face, got changed into more loose fitting plain clothes due to the pain that still covered my torso and arms. I put my hair up and took in a breath. I felt Independent. A little heart broken and confused, but free.

I tried to keep the mindset that whatever Luke said should be funny to me, that it wasn't real and that I had seen how he really was yesterday.

15 missed calls from Luke.
24 text messages from Luke.
1 text message from Luke's friend.
1 text message from Stuart.
And 1 text message from... Luke's mum?

All the texts from Luke were about the same, apologising for yesterday and that he was sorry for what he did and blah blah blah, excuses. I wasn't taking any of it. I just left him on read.

His friend was asking me why I was being such a bitch and I replied:
'I don't know go ask Luke'
Yeah I know not the best response, but it was what it was and to be honest, I couldn't really be bothered with Luke anymore.

I just laughed at the text sent from Luke's mum.
It read:
'How dare you break up with my Luke! He's too good for you, you're so selfish! My poor baby's heart broken thanks to you.'
How entitled could someone be? It was hilarious thinking about how Luke must have come crying to his mum about me and asking her to send a text to me because I wasn't reading his. What a pathetic loser. I'm glad I broke up with him.

The text from Stuart said:
'U alright? Guess we're in this together then. Do u want to meet me at the park today? I'm meant to be singing something for Murdoc but I'm sure I can fuck off without him getting too pissed at me. We have this interview at 6:30 tho so I can't be too long.'

Last night I told him about me breaking up with Luke and not much else... of course I replied that I'd love to meet him later.

I couldn't be bothered to get changed into something nice like I usually do. Just me was enough for today I guess. I didn't really have the energy.

I decided to walk over to the park, rather than driving, enjoy the nice day and all that. I supposed I didn't need to immediately get into a relationship with Stuart and force him into anything, it would be nice just to have a friendship for once and I'd see where it would go from there.

I listened to music on the 20 minute walk from my flat to the park, taking in the world around me, receiving a notification every few minutes from Luke. Could he not take a hint and stop already?! I sat down on a bench and began to read through the texts. I must have been really focused because I didn't notice someone walk up to me.

'Hey! You alrigh' there? Ya look pissed off' I looked up to see Stuart. I mean, who else could it be with such a broken accent?
I put my phone away, not wanting Luke to take up my brain when all I wanted to do was see a friend.

'Yeah, it's Luke. He's just so annoying! He won't stop messaging me. It's really getting on my tits.'
'Show me the evidence' He said with a crooked smile.
I laughed, not expecting him to say anything like that.
'You dirty git!'
I continued to laugh and pushed his shoulder whilst standing up to walk with him. He laughed a little too, happy that his attempt at a more vulgar joke played off well. He elbowed me back in the arm, my right arm. I immediately yelped out in pain, stinging radiating from my skin, still burnt from the tea.

'Oh feck! Sorry! I didn't fink I did that that hard! I'm sorry!'
Funny how he could change so quickly, from joking to caring and genuinely apologetic. I could see the concern on him. It sounds a bit dumb, but I was struck with sentimentality knowing that despite not seeing each other for so long and the fact that the time we had spent together recently was short and awkward, he still really cared about me...

'It's ok! I got burnt yesterday pretty bad all along the top of me.' 

'Bloody 'ell! 'Owd ya manage that?'  He was smiling again.

'Oh yeah... erm well, Luke kinda threw hot tea over me when I broke up with him.' 

His face had fallen, serious and concerned. He very lightly put his arm around my shoulders. There was the slightest twinge of pain from the contact but I didn't mind it all that much. 

'That bastard! I'm so sorreh. At least ya got me back, and i'll be 'ere for ya.' He looked down at me, towering from above.

'Thank you. Really...'

We sat there for  moment or two looking at each other before awkwardly breaking eye contact. Stuart ruptured into a small laugh and we began to walk through the park and talk, loosing track of time a little. Whenever I'd get a text Stuart would do something that would completely distract me, usually by dirty joke. It was only when we heard the town clock chime for 6 o'clock when Stuart realised he had to go. I (reluctantly) bid my farewell and returned back to my apartment, not before stopping at the shops to pick up some groceries. 

From the moment he left I felt like I needed him there again. I had forgotten how much I loved him, if only I knew if he reciprocated the same emotions, or whether they had dwindled and gone in those years we were apart.

(Next part will be longer I promise <3)

Stuart. - 2D X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now