Part 5- Dentist Deathrun

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A/N how are you guys finding the story? Do I need to speed it up? Are the characters alright? Sorry for all the questions, don't be shy to comment!

The final music lesson didn't go as I had planned. I did not break off the friendship with Stuart. The museum had been one of the best days of my life and I liked Stuart too much. Instead it was spent with us messing about again, talking about music and even using some inside jokes. Lucky for us, Millie wasn't lurking behind the door again but I was still on edge a little. Despite this, I had got enough courage to ask Stuart to come over to my house after school.

'Maybe you could come over to my house after school and I could show you some of my f/a (favourite artist (obviously not gorillaz)) albums! I have a bunch of zombie movies too so maybe we could watch some? My mum doesn't get back till 7 so you don't have to worry about awkward introductions and what not.'

'Yeah! Sounds good! Today alright? I got nuffink planned and my parents don't really give a shit about what I do.'

'Great! I'm really gunna miss these music lessons.'

'Yeah me too...' He sounded genuinely disapointed. All I could do was hope that it was because he enjoyed my company.

Alana could not believe what I said.

'WAIT WHAT?' She looked around to see if Paula or Millie were nearby. 'Your telling me that the fittest boy in our year is going to your house? No offence but... you?'

'Without her parents too... remember to use protection'

'What. The. Hell. Shreya? I'm 12?!? Besides, it's not like that, we're actually friends, remember the museum trip? We spent the whole thing together. He's actually so funny and deeper than what he seems.'

'Good. You know I like him! And Paula too. Imagine what she would do...'

Damn, why do so many people have a crush on Stuart? But yeah, this was pretty risky considering the Paula factor.

I waited at the front gate for him. It was near the end of February now, and unseasonably warm and sunny. Not too hot, about 19 degrees C (Sorry for u Americans). I watched as Paula walked out, laughing about something with Millie. Just then it hit me how the rest of my secondary school career could be fucked up by this. I mentally started panicking as I watched them walk in the opposite direction from where i'd be going. I was brought out of my trance by a tap on my shoulder.

'Hey! Which way to your house?' My doubts were shaken off when I saw Stuart smiling down at me.

'Down the left there, it's a 45 minute walk but I have some shortcuts, if your cool with trespassing and going through bushes.'

'What do you fink i spend my weekends doin?'


He laughed and looked to the side 'Shuddup...' I knew he had a bit of a crush on her, despite the complete bitch and slag she was.

'Right, c'mon I wanna see youer f/a albums!'
We chatted and walked down various roads and alleyways and had loads of fun, despite just walking. Then we got to the dentists office.

'Here's one of those 'trespassing' parts I was talking about. Saves us 10 minutes though!'
'Ah! This is my dentist! I fink they hate me.' He finished his sentence by giving me a view of his mouth. His teeth wern't terrible, just a bit unsightly, he had a missing tooth near the back too. His tongue moved so the tip touched the hole where the tooth should be.
'Lost that when I fell out that tree. It's how I got my blue 'air too. Made me bald and gave me those god damn migranes. Hate that bloody tree.'
'Your going to have to tell me more about that! I thought you dyed your hair!' I replied whilst starting to walk into the private carpark/alley of the dentists. We tried to be quiet but I couldn't help but laugh when I imagined a bald Stuart. Suddenly a door opened and a dentist wearing a mask and holding a drill appeared behind us, he then started shouting in a very thick British middle aged man voice.
'RUN!' I shouted to Stuart and we continued down the alleyway.
And with that 'yeah' I dove under a little bush, Stuart coming not too far behind me. I crawled out. And stood up, now in the park across from my house. I neatened my uniform back up and quickly brushed my hair with a compactable brush that was i kept in my pocket for such occasions. 
I looked over at Stuart who was getting out the bush himself, his hair was a mess, and so was his uniform, but he looked like he was having the time of his life.
'Here, I think you need this.' I handed him my little hairbrush, with a smile on my face at his roughed up appearance.
He started to brush his hair and I noticed whilst studying his face a bit that he had a scratch on his left cheek just below his eye.
'Oh my gosh! Stuart you have a scratch on your cheek!' He immediately put his hand over the scrape and winced a little bit. He looked at me.
'You do too!' I put my hand up to my own cheek and felt the stinging caused by the contact.
'Now we have matching battle scars from our dentist death run!'
He gave the compactable hairbrush back to me. There was a few blue stands of hair tangled in between the brush bristles now. I unpoped the brush, flipped it and put it in my pocket.
'All that gave me a bit of a 'eadache. I'm gunna sit down and 'ave a smoke, ya want to join?'
'I'll sit with you, but I don't want to smoke.'
'Suit yerself.'
He sat down on a bench and I sat next to him. He pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and put it in his mouth. He went into the other pocket and pulled out a purple lighter. He flicked it a few times before lighting a flame and bringing it close to his face, igniting the cigarette. He brought his fingers from his other hand around it and inhaled. He took it out of his mouth. I took in the scent. It was the same one that Stuart seemed to be infused with wherever he went. Well, that and a mix of something else sweet that I couldn't put my finger on.
'You sure you don't want some?'
Despite all the videos, posters and lectures from my mum about saying no to smoking and how bad it was for your lungs, I accepted. Just one inhale. There's something about the way he did it that made me forget about how much I was against it.

He lent his arm over so the cigarette was Infront of my mouth. I leaned towards it and Inhaled it, only to immediately pull away and start coughing at the horrible burning ashy sensation that hit the back of my throat. It tasted terrible.
'Gosh- *COUGH* Stuart how- do you even- *COUGH COUGH* like that?' I said with a smile
He looked over and smiled back. 'Ah, you get used to it.'
We sat in silence on the bench whilst he finished his cigarette, he dropped it to the floor and put it out with the heel of his school shoes.
'How come ya call me Stuart? All the otha girls call me Stu-Pot.'
'Yeah I know, it's just you introduced yourself to me as Stuart, it feels right and polite. Did you want me to call you Stu-Pot or Stu instead?'
'Nah... I like it.'
He then pulled out a bottle of painkillers from his pocket and took 3 dry.
Jesus, how many gateway drugs does this man keep in his school blazer?

Eventually, we arrived at my house at about 4pm. I showed him my albums, and we had a little dance to a few songs. He decided to stay for a movie, and chose a zombie movie from the stacks of CDs we had just lying about our living room. It was fun. Stuart was just collecting his stuff to leave when my mum burst through the door.

'You would not believe what Sandra said to me! She's doing my head in! Anyways I got us pizza for dinner- ooh hello there! Y/n who's this boy ya got over? What's that scratch on yer face?'
I didn't think she would be back so early. Oh well, he's leaving anyways.

'Hi there! I'm erm Stuart from y/n's class. Actually, I was jus' about to leave, but it's a pleasure meetin ya! Y/n, we should do this again sometime!' He said, smiling as he slung his bag over his shoulder and left. When the door closed, my mum had a shit eating grin.

'Ooh Stuart! He seems very nice! Why haven't ya told me about him before? Is he your boyfriend? He's cuteeee! Aww my baby's growing up.'

'Mum no... he's just my new friend from school! Nothing like that... So, what type of pizza did you get?'

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