Part 18- Insincere Kisses

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I hesitated before knocking on the door, I hadn't even really processed the interaction myself, let alone thought about how or if I should tell 2D.
I dropped my hand from the fisted position I had it in and looked at my phone instead; the photo I took was on the screen.

I must have been extremely lucky, because I got them making out as clear as day, despite how little effort and how rushed I was whilst taking the photo. I clicked the off button and slid my phone back into the pockets of my shorts, raising my hand again to rap my knuckles against the door.
'Umm... hey 2D it's me.'
'Come in'

I put my hand on the handle and twisted it, simultaneously pushing the door open. The room itself was a controlled mess, and looked like something out of a 90's rendition of some sort of Sci-Fi film. It was a long room, with various keyboards, tv's and posters mounted on the grey tall walls. LED lights covered up the join between the walls in the ceiling, producing various colours of light which reflected off a disco ball hanging from the ceiling. I couldn't help but smile at his room, it reminded me so much of him.

I felt warmth stream out from the crack I had opened, which contrasted to the slightly manky cold air of the carpark. Sure this air wasn't very 'pure' per say, but much better having a slightly stuffy warm atmosphere than the mildewy chilling coldness of the carpark. I stepped in and shut the door behind me, taking note on where Stuart was; he was sitting on his bed -which had pink bedsheets- cross legged looking at one of the TVs on his wall, he was playing a video game and was holding a controller. Upon my arrival, he paused the game and put the controller beside him. He looked up at me and smiled, however I gave a back a worried look.

'You awlright?' He said whilst patting the space next to him, signalling for me to sit down next to him. I took my place and began to fidget slightly with my phone, unsure of how I was going to tell him what happened.
'Well I'm not sure how to tell you this 2D but-' I was interrupted by the contact of his hands on my shoulders. The pitch black dents he now possessed locking into my eyes, they made him seem so much more intense and serious than his previous crystal blue ones.
'I fought I'd told ya to call me by me real name.'
That caught me of guard, in a good way. I thought it would be much more serious that just that. Funny how pressed he was for me to say his name like that.

'Sorry Stuart.'
His shoulders relaxed and his face eased up into a smile.
'Tha's Betta.' He returned his hands back to his lap.
'Now whatdya want ta tell me?'
'Well I'm not sure how to tell you but...'
'I'm sure it can't be tha' bad.' He said nonchalantly.
'See for yourself.' I help my phone between my thumb and index finger, giving it leverage to pivot, it swung to him with a small movement of my wrist. He took the phone and looked pretty confused looking at it from afar, he brought it up closer to his face to see what was going on.
'What are ya tryin to show-' he stopped mid sentence, frozen in place.

Suddenly his arms and the phone fell down in one swift motion, he stared at the spot on the wall where the phone would be if it hadn't moved. After a desolate and awkward moment I head a small,
'Oh' come from Stuart. He scrunched up his face a little and shook his head, as if doing so would clear his mind.
'Uhh, I'll be back in a second, I jus' got to go do some fink really quick...' He said it as if he was shell-shocked, as if he wasn't really there or didn't believe his surroundings. Before I could interject he left the room, swiftly due to the length of him, leaving just a little gust of wind from the door shutting. I tried my hardest to listen to what was going on, but due to the basement location of Stuart's room I couldn't hear a thing. I bided my time by yet again looking around his room, each time I looked somewhere I'd see something new that I had neglected last time I looked in that direction.

One particular time I looked at his bedside cabinet, and noticed a small white rectangle sitting face down amongst other random objects. I could only hope it was what I thought it was. I shifted myself over to the bedside table and picked it up, flipping it over. I saw two kids on roller skates embracing each other Infront of a sunset, a signature underneath the captured moment; my name.

Stuart. - 2D X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now