Part 16- Lock and Key Theory

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The next morning, there was a new text on my phone from an old number. I had now been unblocked from Paula, after she sent that message all those years ago.

'Hey. Paula here. Nice Seeing U yesterday. U

still ok 4 meeting me and 2D? We're going 2

have lunch at the shopping mall. You know

the thai place? There at 2 tomorrow.'

My stomach twisted knowing that 2D was Stuart, I didn't know to accept or decline. One moment I would tell myself that I don't deserve him, knowing he went back to Paula and blanked me for a good few years; the next I was wistfully looking at that photo, hoping he still had his. One time I even caught my face heating up looking at him. My rationality was telling me to let him go, my heart telling me to see him. I knew it was just setting itself up to be broken and abused. I typed in a message, just as a little visionary if I were going to say yes.

'Yeah! Sounds good :) That place is so

good. Can't wait 2 meet 2D, ur going to

have to tell me how u guys met. C U then'

Looking at it, I got a surge of confidence, or more a lack of common sense, and pressed send. I then freaked out realizing I had to do this now. I had to see Stuart. I had to speak to him and Paula; for an hour at least. Why didn't I think this through more? My breathing quickened as dread began to set in. No, I can do this. I'm not a year 7, I'm a full grown woman, I can deal with such trivial problems such as seeing an ex. Maybe it will go well, maybe, just maybe we'll all get on well and put the past behind us. Plus, I had Luke, I could always count on him. I- I... I love him.

I think.

I'll ask him to wait nearby if shit hits the fan. It shouldn't though. No- It won't. And I'm sure of it.

On the morning of the day I was meant to meet them, I found myself trying to assemble an outfit that was both cute and hot. Why? Who did I have to impress? Who was I showing off to? I mentally scolded myself for this; but didn't stop looking for an outfit of that description. I settled for knee high heel-boots, a mini skirt and a jumper, paired with a pair of sunglasses propped upon my head, more for fashion than practicality.

Luke walked into my room whilst I was putting on mascara.

'Damn... you look nice, you want to look good for that singer, eh? I would too. Lucky you getting to meet him.'

'Mmm...' I said with full concentration on the black sludge I flicked onto my eyelashes. Once I was happy with the extension of them, I slid the wand back into the container with a satisfying quiet little splat.

'Just promise me you'll stay nearby, right?' I said, turning away from the reflection of the mirror and up at him.

'Yeah, sure of course!' He gave a reassuring yet warm smile, one that reaffirmed that this was going to be okay.

That humbling and comforting feeling of acceptance didn't resonate in me when we pulled up to the shopping mall though. The familiar sensation of anxiety began to shower down on me, raindrops of terror on my skin. Showers turned into storms as we approached the restaurant. Before we were in the line of sight of it, Luke grabbed my hand and pulled me behind a large decorative bush in a black ceramic plant pot, one of many lining the walls of the grand mall. Once we were in the corner between the edge of the leaves and the side of the wall, his hand escaped mine and took a new place alongside his other hand on my shoulders. He looked into my eyes, and I looked back.

Stuart. - 2D X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now