Part 2- Music and Movies

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Cut forward to January, I had made 2 friends, that girl Alana and another girl Shreya, a few acquaintances too. Alana was just shorter than me and had green eyes, was skinny and had an angular face. Alana rolled up her skirt and tied her jumper back with a hair bobble to 'exentuate  her waist' She proved to be quite popular with the popular girls, but chose to stay with Shreya and me for some strange reason. Shreya was a good 5 cm taller than me and wore a hijab. She wore round glasses and had a round nose and face. She wore baggy trousers and a baggy jumper, and rarely wore her blazer despite being constantly told off for it. She liked being loud and making inappropriate jokes.

That boy Stuart, Jonathan, a boy who looked like Mr Burns, a boy who looked like an american action army man figure and a boy with black hair and a starter stache became a friend group, typically known for being hooligans, cracking jokes in lessons, getting endless after school detentions and being flirted with by the popular girls. Any intrigue I had in Stuart had been gone, after seeing what he was like with his friends, and besides I was content with my friends anyways.

We were in a music lesson, which everyone including me took as a free period to mess about with keyboards. Could we really help it though? What do you expect happens when you put 4 year 7s in an unsupervised room with a bunch of keyboards? I think the music teacher caught on though, as we no longer got to choose which people we worked with.

'Okayyy... hold on a sec, just putting the names for your groups up on the board...'

'Hold on Miss, dont we get to choose our own groups?' Jonathan piped up, looking quite miffed.

'It seems as though you can't handle the privilege of choice, so no, i'm putting you in groups myself.'

'But Miss what if we get stuck with a minger like Sammy?' One of the popular girls asked. I didn't like Sammy and how gross she was proving to be (she has a collection of her skin in her pencil case) but not even she deserved such humiliation.

'Enough now. My decision is final.'

The names were displayed and a series of groans were heard through out the class. I got put in a group with Alana, Millie and Stuart. Millie being the girl who called out about Sammy being a minger before.  I could then see Millie talking her position over with her friends.

'I mean we like Alana and obviously Stu-Pot is fit soooo, yeah! I got a decent group. Y/n's alright I guess, just a bit boring.'

'Hang on one second, forgot to do something!' The music teacher called. On the board, our group changed from me, Alana, Stuart and Millie to me, Stuart, Millie and Sammy.

'Ugh! That witch. I guess i'll see you guys in the toilets then for a smoke. Your guys's groups are shite anyways too.'

Us four all awkwardly walked into music room 3. We had to make a horror themed song with the piano using all elements of... yada yada yada... I didn't really listen.

After about two minutes of small talk and vague role assigning, Millie stood up and announced that her and 'Stu-Pot' were going to the toilets to smoke. She probably thought that would make Sammy and my head blow with awe but I just felt kinda bad they were smoking at a young age. I was dreading having another 4 lessons with this group.

'Come on then Stuuuu...' She called, skirt so high up that her pants were at risk of showing if she bent over a tiny bit.

'Erm... actuleh, i kinda wanted ta stay 'ere and do this?'

Millie rolled her eyes and held out one french-tip-nailed hand.

'Fine. Give us the cigs then?'
'He reached in his pocket and pulled out a few. Figures, he smoked too. 'Ta!'

With that she spun round and left. I looked over at Stu in confusion.

'How come you stayed then?' This was the first time i'd spoken to him since that first day.

'I love music and horror! Tha's all. Nofink else.' His blue eyes seemed to light up when he was talking about music and horror. That made me smile a little.

'Ah... ok then.'  I said; still smiling.

'Wos youer name then? Ya neva got a chance on that first day, did ya?' My heart sank a little, knowing that he hadn't learnt my name yet. I'd already taken the liberty to learn all the names of everyone in the class. I suppose he probably didn't have time though, always going out and hanging about with Millie, Jonathan, Paula (Millie's best friend) and that. However, it was reassuring knowing that he remembered the interaction from the first day. He was quite dim from what i've seen of him.

'Its y/n.'

Him and I surprisingly had a great time and actually did the work! Sammy was just kinda there, but didn't ruin the atmosphere; she's a great person, once you get over the grossness factor. Stuart loved talking about zombie movies and music, and what can I say, I loved to listen! He just said it in a certain excited way that made me feel the same way inside too! And besides, we listened to similar music. He acted so differently in that lesson than he did normally... I was actually excited for our next one.

Lunch was next period and he returned to normal. I kinda wished he spoke to me more, but I understood, even i'd want to be with popular kids rather than me! (Not in an emo way tho LOL.)

'So, I bet that music lesson was shit right?' Shreya asked.
'I mean she had Stu-Pot, and hes a total hottie!' Alana chimed.
'Oh yeahhh, he gives big dick energy.' Shreya added, in Shreya fashion.
'Shreya, you're 11. And yeah! It wasn't too bad. Millie fucked off pretty quick to smoke but Stuart actually stayed and we had a great time!'
'Yeah but you had Sammy, how did you not vomit?' Alana added with a cocked eyebrow
'We just umm kinda ignored her?'
'Cool. Anyways the funniest thing happened with Jason and Paula in my group!'

I kinda tuned out, I don't get why everyone just decided to like their 'popular' group. They were a bunch of slags and cunts. Yeah Deep down I envied them though, they were kind of funny and the girls were genuinely attractive, in a way I don't think I could be. Surprised Alana didn't take her shot. I can see she wants to though.
I turned to the left of the busy lunch hall to see what they were up to now... Micheal (the Mr Burns looking guy) was spraying his drink all over Derek (army dude) and everyone was eating that shit up like it was hilarious. Even Stuart was smiling with his mouth agape whilst Paula draped herself against his shoulder, loosing all stability due to laughing too hard.

'- yeah but hello? We all know Mr Davison gave a BJ to Miss Berry- y/n?! Are you even listening?'
I snapped back to the conversation.
'Oh yeah... sorry. What's a BJ?'

A/N- How do we feel abt 2D'S accent? Should I keep writing it that way or make it normal?

Stuart. - 2D X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now