Part 19- Hot Tea

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( A/N I edited the last part, not many changes just mistakes fixed and a few re-wordings. No need to read it again =] )

I tried to get on at work normally, but was definitely a bit off. All I could really do was think about what I was going to do with my relationships. I knew what I had saw, there was no protesting from Luke at all during him and Paula's little 'accident'.

I wish I never saw Paula again. All she did was make a messy fuck up of everything. I'm glad Stuart broke up with her; I should take inspiration from him and just get it over with Luke, no need to prolong the death of our relationship.

'y/n are you okay?' It was the assistant manager who worked at the café, her name was Nicole. I knew I should have probably been thinking about this after work, and should have focused on managing the café for then.

'Yeah, i'm fine! Just a little distracted that's all.' I smiled at her, she looked more concerned than annoyed.

'Alright... you were a bit distracted yesterday too, that's all. I hope everything's ok.'

I reminded myself the work place is for work and tried to not think about it for the rest of the day.

I didn't know what to do about Stuart. I clearly had feelings for him, but didn't know if he reciprocated them back. Yes, I know he did kiss me yesterday -and I couldn't stop thinking about it- but I figured it was probably due to anger and tension, not from actual attraction. I needed to take things one step at a time. I'd break up with Luke and then figure out the deal with Stuart. I considered doing it over text, but quickly dismissed that idea considering I'm not a heartless monster and I have standards. 

I called him and he came over pretty quick. When I opened the door, he immediately went into apologising for list night. I dismissed him.  

'look, you don't need to do that. Come in and sit down. I'll make you a tea.' 

'Alright then!' He said a little too enthusiastically with a forced and clearly anxious smile. He sat down on the sofa in the living room whilst I walked over to the kitchen and boiled the kettle to make 2 cups of tea. I talked what was going to happen over to myself over in my head whilst putting the teabags in the mugs and water. I added 2 sugars and milk into Luke's tea, just the way he liked it, doing so made me think; maybe we were too far into the relationship to just break it off now...

But no. I didn't feel anything. This was the best for both of us. 

I walked into the living room and gave him his tea and took a seat in the chair next to the sofa rather than beside him. He took a sip from the mug and placed it down on a coaster on the coffee table. 

'Thank you.' 

Seeing him do that really made me contemplate the differences between him and Stuart. I doubt Stuart even knew what a coaster was, but there was something so charming about that. He was unique in a way that only he could be.

'Luke I feel like you already know why I called you here.' I awkwardly looked at him and then down at my tea.

He stayed silent. I could imagine the hurt look on his face, but I tried to ignore this and get it over with, it would be inevitable. 

'I just don't have the same feelings towards you that I did before, and I guess what happened last night really made me realise that and pushed me over the edge to break up with you. I'm really sorry, there's nothing wrong with you... I think our relationship was slowly dying and it's better to just end it than be unhappy.' I looked back up at him, his face was contorted. 'I hope we can still be friends, what we had was nice while it lasted but being friends is better.' 

He began to laugh. I was confused. 

'Oh really? I know why you're really breaking up with me. God! I was your friend for years just hoping you would ask me out, you finally do and we go out and its perfect. But no! I'm not good enough for you, you never really liked me. You just wanted to distract yourself from that brain damaged manwhore that never actually loved you! As soon as you got an opportunity you tried to jump into his pants! Fugly bimbo's like you always take us nice guys for advantage! I'm glad I almost fucked his girlfriend. I swear, all girls are just mentally deficient bitches!' He picked up his tea and threw it over me, drenching my clothes and body with scalding water. I screamed in pain and ran to the shower and turned it to the coldest it could go, I jumped in fully clothed trying to prevent a second degree burn. 

Through my quick breaths and the sound of the running water I heard him shout 'YOU DESERVE THAT HOE' and the door slam. You think you know a guy, but no, he's sexist and 'not like other guys'. I stood in the freezing downpour of water until I couldn't stand the cold and hopped out, drying myself with a towel, noting the immense pain contact of it gave over the areas where the tea had landed, especially on my right arm, shoulder and right side of my neck. I got changed into some loose fitting clothing and cried. There's no point dressing it up, I cried for an hour or two. It felt a bit freeing to be out of that relationship, even though it wasn't necessarily bad or controlling except the breakup. After recomposing myself I decided to call my assistant manager to tell her I was going to take the day off. She understood and wished me well.

After I did that, I made myself some dinner and sent a text to 'the brain damaged manwhore'. Maybe Luke wasn't fully wrong about everything he said.

(A/N SORRY FOR SUCH A SHORT CHAPTER I HAVE NO REAL EXCUSE. Thought we needed a nice little chapter to get Luke out the picture though so this works =] ) 

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