Part 3- Text Messages

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Time had finally rolled around again for another music lesson, there was one every week, but the bridge in time was killing me. I don't know why I was so excited for it again, something about Stuart intrigued me. I knew I had to be his friend. That day I had put a little extra effort into my appearance; perhaps it would make him like me more? No, I didn't have a crush on him or want him to fall in love with me (he was cute tho), I just genuinely wanted to be his friend.

Again, Millie left to smoke and lucky for me, Stuart stayed.
'Ya look nice.' He said with a smile and a little nod, with one eyebrow raised.
'Thanks for noticing! You know what I watched last night? Dawn of the dead!'
Suddenly, his whole demeanour changed, he sat up straight and turned his body towards me.
'Oh yeh? One a tha' greatest movies of all time I fink! Absolute classic! Whad'ya think of it?'
' I thought it was bloody brilliant! Can't believe I waited so long to see it!'
We had a good conversation about it for about 5 minutes until Sammy politely reminded us that we have a task to do.
'Ah yeah, ehm.. fanks for remindin us' He looked kind of embarrassed, like he got too carried away.
He played what we had done in the lesson before, he was very passionate about it and very skilled at the keyboard, choosing different voices and using functions I had no idea existed.
After he finished I piped up again,
'Hey, it sounds great but I think somethings missing... maybe some techno aspects?'
'OOH YES. IT DEFFO NEEDS SUM BLOOPY SOUNDS AND-' I giggled, the word bloopy was so funny for some reason to me, probably because I was an immature year 7. He stopped when he heard me laugh. His shoulders rose a bit and his bottom lip tensed, a creeping dusting of pink spread across his face and he looked to the side.
'I'm sorreh, is jus sometimes I get a bit loud and it's kinda annoyin and there's somefings I'm jus so passionate about an' I-' He began to ramble really quickly in embarrassment.
'Oh gosh Stuart no! I just thought the word bloopy was funny! I wasn't laughing at you! I like the way you do stuff, it makes you seem human!' I said sounding really sincere.
'Really? Fanks... it's a wee bit different wiv my fren's, I try my hardest not ta be like that.'  I gave a reassuring smile and continued on with the work.
Sadly, the lesson ended. Funny how one maths lesson can last 20 years in one hour but these music lessons last 5 minutes.

By the time I was back in music room 3 I had waited too long. The second lesson just seemed to make me become more intrigued in Stuart than before, especially after he opened up a bit about how he acts differently with his friends.

We had actually finished the song in the second lesson, probably not due much to my and Sammy's efforts, but mostly due to Stuart's devotion and pure talent with a keyboard. Honestly, it was amazing how good he was! That third lesson was spent mostly talking about music and Stuart giving some demos of some things he wrote on the keyboard, he sung for me too! His voice was like an angels, it was quite a shock when he started, it did not match his accent at all, but it was clear he had a gift and was destined to be something one day. Even Sammy looked pretty awestruck by Stuart's skill. Of course I told him this and he smiled and gave a few compliments back and we had a laugh, and Stu asked for my number! It was going great! Well, until Millie burst in.

'Oh my God! Y/n you slag! Stop flirting with Stu-Pot! As if you have a chance! The poor guy is pretending to converse with you and trying to drop a hint for you to shut up! Isn't that right Stu? Anyways, Paula's going to be Vexed when she hears about this!'
'I- I'm sorry what? Millie, how long have you been listening?! What does this have to do with Paula?'
'I've heard long enough that's for sure! Your shit at flirting by the way. You know that Paula has a crush on Stu too! Shame on you. Oops probably shouldn't have said that infront of Stu-Pot. Soz!' And with that she left.
Me and Stuart exchanged a confused look.
' Yeh, uh sorreh about that, she loves to stir tha pot. '
'You don't want me to shut up do you?'
'What? No, I luv talkin to ya! Millie's jus very good at makin ya hate yerself.'

Later that evening, I got 2 messages on my little flip phone...

44 (insert phone number here)
Hi! It's Stu here =] (ya know the one from music) just wanted to check you gave me your real number

Unknown number
You little slag.

Stuart. - 2D X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now