Part 22- Pasta

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A/N First of all, sorry for literally disappearing, I just kinda forgot about this. Second, shout out to @2Ds-cum-slut for literally being in the comment section of everything i've ever read ur like a celebrity or sum shit <3 (sorry for tarnishing ur name on this atrocious book ) and third, enjoy :]

I knocked on the door to the large and intimidating building, despite it not being my first time here, it still scared the shit outta me a little. After a few seconds I heard someone approaching the door. It swung open inwards to reveal Noodle looking up at me adoringly as if I were here to solve all her problems. She parted her lips with a large and infectious smile.

'Hello! You must be Y/N? Come inside, come inside!' She had a cheeriness about her that couldn't help but rub off onto me. Her eyes shifted and settled on my step sister; I don't know if it was possible, but her smile grew bigger, a little squeak came out of her.
'You brought a friend!'
Looking down at Melly, she looked just as excited.
Noodle cheerfully stepped back to let us in, shut the door and then bowed to properly greet us.
'Watashi wa Noodle!' She straightened herself up again.
She looked at me, 'You are Y/N.' Then to my stepsister. ' But who are you?'
'I'm Melly. Her stepsister! I'm 14, like you... sorry if that sounds a bit creepy. I'm a fan!'
Noodle put her hand up to her mouth and giggled a little.
'No problem! I understand as I'm quite erm...' she paused for a moment, clearly trying to think of the word. 'Known... well...? Sorry my English is not the best...'
'No, it's all good! You speak English really well! I don't mean to sound rude, but may I see 2-D...? It's been a pleasure meeting you though!'
Noodle looked up at me and gave a nod, her smile dimming down a bit.
'Yes. I think two-dee really needs to see you... he's very sad... it was fun meeting you too! He is in the bottom floor... I will be here, watching the cartoons on the tv! Call for me if you need help.'
I was really impressed by how polite and good at English Noodle was. Sure I had seen her on stage before and all that, but she just seemed so genuinely sweet, it was such a difference to the people I'd seen around here recently...
'Thank you Noodle! You're so nice.'
'Actually... erm Y/N...' Melly was talking to me. 'Would it be cool if I stayed here with Noodle...? She's only like my favourite celebrity...' I glanced at Noodle. She looked hopeful and really touched by Melly wanting to spend time with her.
'Oh please Y/N! I would love a female friend my age! Living here with 3 gross men sucks! Nobody wants to dance with me and paint their nails...'

I smiled and nodded, I'm glad that happened because it gave me an opportunity to be alone with Stuart, which meant it would be less awkward; we didn't really need my stepsister in the equation.

Noodle leant into Melly's ear and whispered something and they both giggled. God knows what she said, but it must have been pretty tame, I mean it came from Noodle, right? Seconds later they both darted down the hallway and ran off, leaving me alone and confused. I brushed it off and walked over to the lift and pressed the button, hoping that this time, no slags would walk out when it arrived. The doors opened, albeit with a bit of a struggle and a rusty squeak, and an empty, strange smelling lift was waiting for me to get in.

Despite how much I saw him, and how close we used to be, seeing Stuart always made me nervous. The elevator being a death trap did not make those nerves any better, especially as this time it shook a bit and had a little drop as it went down. As it did so, my heart twinged in unadulterated fear and I may of made a little yelp noise. Luckily though the lift had safely landed and I got out, mostly unscathed by the experience. I straightened myself up and made my way to Stuart's room. Before I knocked, I straightened myself up, preparing for the interaction and then tapped lightly on the door. A few doubting and awkward seconds later, a lanky blue haired boy opened the door, but he looked more 'blue' than usual.

I plastered my most amiable smile on and greeted him, feeling a bit dejected at the state of him. It was like all the qualities of him were amplified; his hair messier, skin paler, eye bags worse and somehow he looked even thinner. There was something else about him wrong too- something missing. He looked put out, nothing like I'd seen him before, as if he'd been put through a greyscale filter. His usual charm and joviality were gone and he just seemed well, bleak.

Stuart. - 2D X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now