Part 4- Whale Skeletons

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'You little slag'... who could that be from? My guess was probably Millie or Paula, judging by what Millie said in music. Bit harsh... I knew my friendship with Stuart was too good to be true, of course it came with consequences. I decided to handle Stuarts message first.

'Hey! Yup, y/n here too. im real =] Any zombie movies u recommend? Im bored ;p'

Of course, I spent about 5 minutes deciding if that message was appropriate and said the right stuff and changing it about 200 times.

But now I had to respond to the second one... how should I do it? I decided on a simple:

'Who is this?'

I know, basic and boring, but safe. It didn't matter though, the message never went through. They had blocked me. Great.

The next day at school, I told Alana and Shreya about the messages I got last night. Of course, they ate it up. Alana loved gossip, and was all over this.

'Omg how scandalous! I reckon it was Paula, she's deffo the type to do that! She's jelly she can't have Stu-Pott to herself!'

I hoped it wasn't Paula. I heard she fought a year 10 and won, not a looker but she had her connections and could kick my ass.

'Watch your back boo!' Shreya added, which did not help my mental stressing.

In maths, I felt eyes on me, I could hear laughing and noticed that the people who were doing the sniggering happened to be Millie and Paula. I'm sure there were probably hundreds of people they made fun of, but I couldn't help but think it was about me.

I'd have to never talk to Stuart again. Shame. I really liked him... I supposed i'd have to tell him the next music lesson.

Of course, that didn't happen though, all due to the London natural history museum trip. Once again lady luck in the form of assigned groups was feeling devilish. I'd been assigned to a group with Stuart, Amy (a girl who I'd talked to like twice), Sarah (Amy's best friend, also known for having devastatingly large crushes on boys (one on Stuart right now)) and Jonas, who was Stuart's friend. It looked like I would be pretty lonely that day.

On that day though, Jonas was 'prohibited from attending due to unsocial behavior', which was teacher speak for 'he found a dead pigeon and threw it at a bunch of girls'. Which meant that Stuart would too, have nobody to talk to that day, apart from, well, me.

Our little group (and Amy's mum) had to gather together and tour the museum, room by room. To avoid clustering and chaos, the different groups were separated, meaning the only people in one room would be our group and whatever other museum patrons were there.

'Hey y/n, 's alright if I talk to ya today? I figured we had a nice time before in music and Sara's wayyy too into meh... I know ya might not want ta cuz of Millie and Paula and that but they won't be there sooo...' Stuart said whilst resting his hand on his neck with a slight smile.

My heart jumped with happiness when he asked me, I knew I was meant to break off our friendship, but this one time would be fine right? After this I'd break it off.

I looked back at him, the school had permitted us to wear our own clothes and he was wearing a blue long-sleeved shirt with an illustration of a realistic heart in the corner, it seemed very him, in a good way. Much different to the black nike stuff all his mates were wearing.

'Yeah sure! I don't really care all that much about them.' I hoped my lie was convincing enough.

'Yeh, sorreh about them.' His smile dropped and he sighed.

The building was grand and extravagant. Our little group meandered towards the entrance of the dauntingly large building. Up the stairs and into the main hall; famous for its blue whale skeleton dangling from the ceiling. I took a second to take the elegant hall in, all the rooms and detail was almost breathtaking.

I felt a light jab in my arm from Stuarts lanky elbow,

'Wot kinda dinosaur is tha' then?' He said whilst craning up and slightly squinting at the ginormous skeleton of the famous whale. I did that little nose breathe out laugh thing, yup, he's a bit dense.

'It's not a dinosaur Stuart' I said, looking and the tall blue haired boy standing next to me, rather than the dangling giant above me, a wide smile plastered on my face caused by his naivety.

'Wot's it then?' He replied, still gazing at the whale.

'It's a whale!' I said whilst laughing a little bit.

Suddenly he yelped out pretty loud; 'WHALE?!?'. He quickly covered his mouth and his posture crumpled a bit in embarrassment. His voice bounced off the walls of the grand room. I watched his eyes frantically take in the now defined whale, before he turned away from it.

'Sorreh... i jus' BLOODY HATE WHALES!' He whisper shouted. 'Them things are scary enuff as it is, why would they make it a fuckin' skeleton?!?' He looked genuinely terrified.

I tried to stifle a laugh. 'Seriously Stuart... You've seen like every horror movie ever and you're scared of whales?'

He smiled a bit to the side and looked away, 'Yeah, bit silly realeh, is jus' they're so big! Nothing needs to be that big! One swallow and you'er gone!' His speech was speeding up and cracking a bit.

'No... I see where your coming from. Perfectly valid.'

'Come on guys, we're going to the geology exhibit.' Amy's mum called. She began to walk under the whale and towards the geology area. I began to follow, but when I actually started to be fully under the whale, I felt a hand grab mine. My face flushed as I realized it was Stuart. He let go after we were out the hall, but my heart jumped. I have no idea why though, he was just my friend. Barely at that point too.

The rest of the day was spent messing about the museum, Stuart and I laughing so hard from each others jokes we got looks from people. It felt like we were old best friends, despite only seeing each other like 3 times prior. I was sure going to hate unfriending him. All cause of that god damn Paula!

Whenever we came back to the main hall I would hope he would hold my hand again. I had no desire to date him, certainly not knowing Paula would pummel me into dust, but I craved that sensation of his hand in mine again.

Stuart. - 2D X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now