Wild Nights

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This oneshot is spinning off from You Don't Love Him. Think of this as a little *extra* chapter from that story when Emily and Sue were first developing in their relationship... and James was still in the picture ... and Emily had that thing going on with Sarah ;) y'all remember that? It's funny to me now, because my girlfriend's name is Sarah, but when I wrote that we weren't dating lmao. Have fun reading, loves!


"Here you go, babe!" James said, squeezing his way through Jane's crowded apartment with a drink in hand for Sue.

She smiled at him and took the glass out of his hand, "Thank you." She said, shouting over the loudness of the crowd. She took a sip from the cup and made a face as the heat of the alcohol burned down her throat.

James chuckled and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her in to his side, "Austin made up some Irish Mule's. Thought they'd be a good option since you've suddenly been drinking whiskey more." He said simply, still amused by the look on Sue's face.

She smacked her lips and nodded, taking another small sip as she was getting used to the taste. The reason she has been drinking whiskey more was because she had been hanging out with Emily more—it was her drink of choice, after all, and she put Sue onto it as of late.

"Do you like it?" He asked, looking at her curiously.

She nodded again and hummed, "Mm. Mhm." Her lips were pressed up against the glass again when she caught sight of Emily entering the apartment with none other than Sarah.

To say Sue was annoyed was an absolute understatement. She chugged the rest of her drink down and James watched her intently, raising his eyebrow as he watched his fiancée down the strong beverage like it was suddenly nothing.

"Woah!" He said, belly laughing as the ice clinked in Sue's glass. "Damn, babe. You good?"

She sighed, slightly irritated, "Y—yeah. I'm good." She breathed out, side-eyeing Emily and Sarah. Damn. The liquor was hitting her hard fast after that one. "G—go get me one more, please." She said, licking her lips. And off he went.

She needed to fade out after seeing the two of them together. Emily knew how Sue felt about what her and Sarah doing... whatever it was they were doing that is. Nonetheless, Sue didn't like it and she was incredibly jealous.

The two of them had recently decided to stop things between them since Sue hadn't dumped James yet and Emily was simply trying to move on. But the tension remained.

She watched them intently, not even breaking her gaze when James came back with another drink.

"Round two!" He said, handing the glass to Sue—not realizing she was barely paying attention to him in that moment.

"Huh? What? Oh!" Sue said, turning her gaze to her fiancé. She smiled and took the glass, "Thanks, babe."

They clinked their glasses and both took a sip, "Ooof." James said, shaking his head, "That really is strong!"

Sue nodded, "Strong but tasty." She said, matter-of-factly.

James grinned and eyed his fiancé up and down like he was ready to absolutely devour her, "I can think of something else that is tasty." He flirted, winking at her before looking back into the crowd of the party.

She chuckled and shook her head, nudging him as she scrunched her face, "Shut up!"

He smirked and leaned in for a kiss. Sue was nearly hesitant, but she knew she shouldn't be. She pressed her lips against his reluctantly and tensed up a little bit. It just didn't feel right with him anymore—she couldn't quite shake it. When they pulled away, she gave him a soft smile before taking another sip from her drink.

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