Chapter 2 Rush of Freedom

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This morning I'm woken up not by a big, loud man but by the harsh sunlight creeping through the blinds in my bedroom window. I roll over and try to get a few more seconds of sleep, but it's too late. I'm already awake.

Damn you, Sun!

Instead, I climb out of bed and head to the living room. I look over to an archway where a small room is taken up by a large dining table. No one is there. There's also no one in the kitchen, and I don't hear any other noises in the other parts of the house. The only noise I can hear is the goblin known as my brother playing Call of Duty or FIFA; whatever game is trendy with his friends, I don't care. What I do care about is food. Ever since I became a Magical Girl, I've been hungry all the time. You may think this is a typical teenage thing, but I'm serious. If I were to eat out an entire grocery store, I'd still be starving, not that I've tried. At the same time, though, I don't gain any weight, no matter how much I eat. Kyubey told me it's because all the food gets turned into energy, whether it's magical or just the energy I need to function.

Anyway, so what to have for breakfast? I rummage through the cupboard and fridge and pull out whatever looks tasty. Hash browns, ham and cheese toastie, cereal, oh and what's this? I hope Mum doesn't notice there might be a thief stealing her strawberry yogurt. Sorry, Mum, but as they say, I' 'm a growing girl.

I mix the cereal into the yogurt and start eating while I wait for the other food to cook. I'm finished before the food is cooked, so I'm just waiting in front of the oven until it's done. The oven beeps, so I take the food out, chuck it onto a plate, and pour sauce on it. Well, you call it pouring; I call it creating art. Unfortunately, art will forever be ruined by human needs, I think to myself as I start stuffing the hash browns into my mouth.

Now that I'm finished with breakfast, I can go through the rest of my morning routine, which doesn't have to be overly extensive today. I'm not planning on being seen much today.

As I'm about to walk out the door, I catch the little goblin sitting on the couch playing his game. I don't think that's what a soccer ball is supposed to look like but whatever.

"I'm heading out in case anyone asks," I call out."Sure." That was the only response. I'm fine with that. It's better than arguing about whether I can take care of myself walking around a city in broad daylight. I leave through the door and make my way to the nearest bus stop.

It's about a 15-minute journey there. I've walked by it, so it's very familiar to me. Before I became a Magical Girl, I barely even knew what a bus looked like on the inside. Now I know most bus routes and which ones to take just by looking at their number. Incredible what exploring can do.

What? You say if I looked it up on the internet, I would've found this information faster? Well, not to a tech-illiterate person like me, although I have been getting better at it now that high school consists of only computers.

I take the bus straight to the city, where I find the nearest abandoned alleyway and immediately transform into my Magical Girl outfit.

Elegant? Hardly.

Classy? Absolutely not.

Fast and efficient? Definitely.

After all, as I jump across the walls of the two buildings surrounding the alleyway, going higher and higher until I reach the top, I get that rush of freedom that always comes whenever I look down on the city. These buildings are not that tall. They're definitely not skyscrapers, but looking down on the people walking in the streets gives me a sense of freedom.

"Well, you were certainly easier to find than expected." I turn around in shock to face the voice. It's a girl about my age with blonde hair, and green eyes. She's wearing a red shirt with no sleeves and a white collar, a white skirt, and a red bow that wraps around her midriff. Her Soul Gem is visible on her chest. It's red with a small clover leaf on top of it.

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