Chapter 12 Wings of the Magius

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As they say, back with the old gang. It's only been a few days but it feels like ages since it was just the four of us again. I wonder how they feel when it's just the three of them. Maybe 'finally, the old gang is back. We don't have to deal with that other girl.' Probably not but I can't help but have these thoughts creep into my head.

"The old gang is back," Isabella says.

"I kind of missed," Chloe adds. "How are you feeling, Mkay?" Chloe turns to me.

"I'm fine," I reply.

"We thought we lost you there," Chloe says.

"Well, if we lose her, we can always get a new one." Mia jabs.

"Hey!" Chloe snaps but Mia just sticks her tongue at her.

"I'm only joking."

"Uh, Isabella." I start. Isabella slows her pace to match mine so we can talk next to each other. "Did you know we can talk using telepathy?"

"I was aware of it but it's hardly used," Isabella replies.

"Why?" Isabella shrugs.

"I'm not sure of the reason for other groups but for me, I'd rather talk than use telepathy. There have been times when witches' labyrinths block telepathy so it's important to train your voice to deliver concise information in a timely manner."

"Wh- that's way too smart for me," I say with a smile. "Too many complex words." Isabella smiles back at me.

"Say what you need to say quickly in short, sharp sentences. Which, no offence but, that's not really your strong suit." I nod at her.

"I'll try and be better."

"You already are," Isabella said. "It's probably just a confidence issue. Don't worry, you'll get there."

"Hey! What's that?" Mia calls out. Isabella and I catch up to Mia and look at what she's looking at.

"What is it?" Isabella asks.

"Look." Mia points towards a group of three girls.

"What about them?" Chloe asks.

"One of them isn't moving naturally at all," Mia replies. I have no idea what she's talking about. I try to look carefully at... anything. Their arms, their legs, maybe their head. Nothing.

"Wait, yeah, I see it," Isabella says.

"Yeah, I see it too. That's really creepy." Chloe adds.

"I can't see anything," I say. The three of them look at me.

"Are you sure?" Kyubey asks.

"One of those girls is weaving in and out of them. In fact, she doesn't look normal at all. Almost like a witches familiar." Chloe says as she points at the group. I look more carefully but all I see is three girls just walking down the street talking. I can hear their conversation from here.

"I still can't see it," I say as I shake my head. "But it sounds like they're talking about rumours."

"You can hear them from here?" Mia asks, sounding surprised. I nod.

"What are they saying?" Isabella says.

"One of them is talking about a rumour. Something about a factory."

"Well there's factories everywhere," Mia says. I simply shrug.

"Hey, it's moving on. If we follow it, it might lead us to that witch." Isabella says.

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