Chapter 11 Arrival to Sydney

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I wake up with a jerk and a sharp breath. I turn over and see a blue-haired girl leaning on my shoulder, snoozing. I shift a little, but not too much to wake Mia up. I look across from me and see Chloe sitting across from me.

"You were snoring a bit." I look down as I feel myself getting embarrassed.

"I've been told I do that when I travel." Chloe giggles softly.

"It's cute." I feel myself blush more deeply.

We're taking the train to Sydney for the investigation. Isabella is leaning against the window, her mouth is wide open and is completely out of it. Chloe is sitting with her leg crossed over the other. It looks like she was on her phone for the majority of the trip. Mia is still on my shoulder, breathing very softly. I can think of a bunch of things to tease her about that I'll never use. Kyubey is sleeping on my lap. I don't know why but I feel an urge to pat him on the head. I do so anyway even at the risk of waking him up. Across from our seats is a very similar picture with the Iris girls. They all seem to be snoozing as the train chugs along.

"How long was I out?" I ask while rubbing my eyes and yawning. Chloe glances at her phone.

"Almost six hours. We're about half an hour away." Chloe replies.

"Did you sleep?" Chloe shakes her head.

"Nah, I don't sleep well while travelling. I probably only got about an hour of sleep." I nod in understanding. I turn to the window and watch the passing fields of emptiness. Australia is such a flat country in some ways. If I remember from science classes, it makes sense since Australia hasn't had much volcanic activity in its history. That's also why we don't get earthquakes. As I think these pointless thoughts, the others start to wake up from their slumber. Isabella is the first to wake up. She rubs her eyes and stretches her arms out before giving us all a 'good morning' a little too loudly even though it's the afternoon. Next is Mia who slowly raises her head from my shoulder. She realises what she did and turns away, embarrassed. I have to turn my head to the window to avoid laughing.

"How did you girls all sleep?" Isabella asks. I turn to see that her question was directed at the Iris girls who are all stretching.

"Fine. How 'bout you?" Summer replies.

"Like a baby," Isabella says. Suddenly, we hear a thunk behind where I'm sitting. I turn around to see what happened and find all the people on the train slumped over. That wouldn't be too concerning if there wasn't multiple bodies lying in the middle of the aisle. The six of us stand up instinctively, feeling a presence nearby. Kyubey jumps off my lap as soon as I stand up, understanding the situation we're in. I see a flash of red in the corner of my eye. I turn to see that Isabella has transformed into her magical girl outfit.

"It's a witch." She says. Everyone else starts transforming into their outfits as well.

"Where is it?" Mia says, turning her head rapidly to try and look for the witch.

"Outside!" Kyubey says right next to my ear. I don't even have time to wonder when he jumped onto my shoulder before a whole section of the wall of the train is ripped away into the labyrinth. The six of us shield our faces from the rushing wind. I peek through my hands to see the witch. It's completely surrounded by train tracks.

"Summer, Mia! You're with me. We're going to take down that witch. Chloe and Makayla will provide support while Sayaka and Amelia protect the passengers." Isabella quickly thinks up a plan on the spot. There are no arguments so Summer and Mia quickly follow Isabella outside of the train and start gliding through the air towards the witch. Chloe manifests her bow and I do the same and start shooting arrows at the witch. Unfortunately, we caught the witches' attention too early as now it's focused on us and the train. Multiple train tracks come flying in our direction. Chloe and I shoot the tracks coming towards us but there's some out of our line of sight. I race towards the hole in the train before making a backflip and landing on the roof. I quickly shoot the last remaining tracks before they hit the train. I don't get any rest before more tracks come flying towards me. They're far too close for a bow so I have to quickly think of a close-range weapon to defend myself. Summer's sword. It manifests in my hand. It's too late now to change my options as the tracks have almost reached me. I swing at the first track, slicing it in half and it passes harmlessly around me. This has the same effect as the second and third tracks. I get a few seconds to think before the next track comes. This time, it's flying at me horizontally. What do I do here? I don't have time to think I just slice and jump. Of course, my head smacks into the top half of the track I slice and I feel myself flying off the roof of the train and tumbling out of the sky. Wait, there's no floor! How am I supposed to land?

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