Chapter 14 I need to stay for a week

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I don't know why but looking out the bus window at the street my grandparents' house is sitting on makes me tired even though I slept all the way on the train ride back. I have one week at school left and then we'll go to Sydney for the summer holidays. Apparently, Summers team managed to find a recently abandoned hostel that's in good condition so we'll be staying there. The bus stops and I jump off and make the short journey home. I enter the house and walk down the hallway, peering into the kitchen. My grandfather and grandmother are standing there. It looks like they just finished dinner.

"I'm back," I announce. They both turn to me, not looking happy. In fact, they look extremely angry. Wait, haven't I seen this before?

"Where is it?" My grandfather asks.

"Where's what?"

"Your grandmother's credit card."

"I-I don't know. I just got back." I shrug.

"Don't lie to us. We can see what you spent it on." My grandmother says. She pulls out her phone with her bank account on it. I can see a bunch of withdrawals and purchases amounting to thousands of dollars. I immediately understood the gravity of the situation.

"T-this wasn't me," I say. "I-I would never."

"If you think you can sneak off to Sydney and buy whatever you like with our money then you're dead wrong." My grandfather said, his voice rising.

"I swear to god, I absolutely did not steal your credit card and didn't spend any money on Sydney." I try my best to put on a brave face and speak as confidently as possible. I know this wasn't me, I just need to convince them of that.

"Then why are these purchases all made in Sydney?" My grandmother says. I'm left speechless. "Don't tell me a random person picked up the card, moved to Sydney and started spending." I reach out for my grandmother's phone and turn the screen around so I can see. Sure enough, all the purchases were made in Sydney but I don't recognise any of these places.

"I never visited any of these places. I didn't even know they existed." That wasn't convincing enough. They're growing angrier.

"You have one week left at school, yes? Once this week is over we're sending you back to your parents." I can't say anymore. I can feel myself choking up as tears form in my eyes. I run to my room to avoid crying in front of them. When I get there, I close the door and curse the fact there's no lock. I jump onto my bed and cry into my pillow so they can't hear me. As much as I try to calm myself down, tears keep coming.

Once I calm down enough, I realise that I can't stay here. I text Isabella and ask if I can stay at her place for the week before packing my stuff up into a suitcase and a bag. I have surprisingly little stuff. Just a few clothes, chargers and toiletries as well as whatever school work I didn't bother putting in my locker at school. Once I'm finished, I check my phone and see that there is one reply from Isabella.

'Yeah sure come over whenever.' I turn around and check the door to my room even though I know it's closed. I turn back and open up my window and step outside. I make my way onto the street where I carry my suitcase on my hip and sprint about a hundred metres from the house so that I won't get caught. When I think I'm far enough away I slow down and start walking with my suitcase rolling behind me. It doesn't take me long before I reach Isabella's house and I knock on the door.

"Hey, Makayla. Come in." Isabella says when she opens the door. I enter and she leads me into her living room. "One second, I'll go brew us some tea." Isabella skips off to her kitchen. I wonder what's gotten her in such a good mood. Or maybe she's doing this for me? After a couple of minutes, Isabella comes back with two cups of tea and sets them down on the table.

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