Chapter 1 Leading a Normal Life

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"Hey, it's time to wake up now," Dad says as he shakes my shoulder. He always has the most inconvenient times when it comes to mornings. I still need to get my 16 hours of sleep.

What do you mean it's supposed to be only 8 hours of sleep?

A growing girl like me needs as much sleep as possible, or so I'm told by those who know what's best for me, and right now, one of those people is contradicting their advice.

"Mmmmm..." I groan as I shuffle my body closer to the wall and gather as much of my blanket as possible to envelop myself.

"Come on, you'll be late for school," Dad says as he stands up off my bed and leaves the room.

As if I care if I'm late for school. If anything, I'm late for my sleep. Who cares about school? Well, several people would be disappointed if I failed school-namely, the man who keeps waking me halfway through my sleep cycle and his wife. As much as they inconvenience me, I hate seeing them disappointed in me. Sometimes it's starting to feel like too often. Ugh, why do I have to be such a good girl?

I raise my head from my oh-so-comfortable pillow, I feel my hair dangle in front of my face, but I don't care. My eyes are still shut to avoid the pain I will soon experience. I swing my body, lower my feet to the ground, and push myself off my bed. I rub my eyes as I follow the hallway into the living room.

"Morning, honey." A woman's voice calls out.

"Mm-hm," I mumble. I can never find my voice in the morning. My eyes adjust to the light, and I can begin to make out the blurry images. My Dad is sitting on a couch to my left, watching something on tv. There's a woman in the kitchen who I assume is my mother since she's the only woman in this house other than me. She's already dressed in her work uniform, with her blonde hair tied in a ponytail. The second couch in the centre of the room appears unoccupied. I quickly take advantage and sprawl out along the couch with my head on the armrest. In front of me now is a coffee table with two bowls of cereal and enough toast for two people. A few moments later, a blonde-haired boy walks out, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning, Cody," Mum says.

"Morning," He says as he walks toward the right side of the couch, I'm currently lying on. He says, my legs stretching over his seat, and he looks to me as if to say, 'move your legs so I can sit.' I give him a look that says, 'make me.' He effortlessly pushes my legs off the couch and promptly sits down.

Could I have put up more of a resistance?

Of course! But it's waaaaay too early in the morning for that.

I bring the bowl of cereal closer to me and start slowly digging in.

"Makayla, what's on for school today?" Dad asks.

Ok, first of all, it is too early in the morning to answer questions, and second, how should I know? I left my timetable for today in my locker at school. Let me think...

"Um, we have English first, then science and music, I think."

"Have you made any friends yet?" Mum asks as she walks past with a cup of tea in hand.

"A couple. One named Amy and another called Jennifer." I say almost too proudly. Yeah, I find it hard to make friends, ok? Mum glances at her watch as she sips her tea.

"You need to hurry up and eat; I'm leaving soon." She says, completely ignoring the fact that if you hadn't asked me pointless questions, I would be done by now.

After eating the rest of my breakfast and getting changed into my school uniform, I jump into my mum's car, and we drive off where she has to drop my brother off at his primary school and then me at my high school. I only started high school about two months ago. One thing I have to adjust to is changing from class to class. In primary school, you could sit in one classroom and have all your lessons there except for PE. Now, I have to navigate an unfamiliar school to get to my classes. A few of my friends have one, or if they're lucky, two classes in the same building. Me? I have to walk around the school to find my classes.

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