Chapter 26 Under a Crescent Moon

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"Your test scores are impressive for a white person." The man with light, neatly combed brown hair said. He's a Japanese man and apparently some kind of chairman at the school. "Unfortunately, though, they aren't at the standard to which we expect at this school, but your parents can be incredibly persuasive." I know I had to be incredibly persuasive to convince them I needed to be at this school. I couldn't just pull the 'I'm a magical girl, this is my duty' card. I had to explain the benefits of coming to the school and then show my trump card. "I think we can find a place for you."

And that's how I ended up here, inside what's pretty much a wooden cabin on top of a hill. I'm pretty much separated from the rest of the school along with the rest of the class. I don't know how I'm going to find magical girls from here if I can't even interact with other students. I stare out the window until our teacher walks in. She's a Japanese woman with short black hair. She's actually really nice, but there's one thing you notice immediately. Her shirt looks like a cheap knockoff brand. Why does it have a dancing pickle? So weird. The teacher starts teaching her class, but hardly anyone is listening. I feel self-conscious writing things down even though I'm sitting right at the back where no one can see me, but I at least try to pay attention. That being said, some of these things are going way over my head.

When school finally ends, all of us students have to make the long trek down the mountain. It takes about an hour to walk down. By the time I get to the main school, most students have already gone home, but it's not like it matters anyway. I've been put into the class with the lowest grades, which to this school means it's not even worth interacting with us, let alone properly teaching us, despite our teachers' best efforts. If I try to talk to anyone, I just get told that I'm worthless and I shouldn't be interacting with my betters. It feels very medieval, but I'm not in a position to complain.

Instead of going home or trying to recruit magical girls, I catch a tram to the centre of the city and go to the magical café. I've been going here more frequently as it feels therapeutic despite the amount of red, white and black cloaks I see inside. As I walk up to the door, I knock on it, and a little slit opens. A pair of pink eyes look at me from inside before the slit closes and the door opens.

"Well, if it isn't Isabella's friend," Lia says cheerfully. I roll my eyes, and Lia giggles. "I'm only teasing."

"Yeah, and it was funny the last sixteen times you said it," I reply.

"And it will still be funny." Lia guides me to a table and takes my order. She knows my name now, but she thinks it's funny to refer to me as Isabella's friend when I don't think we're even friends anymore. I know she means well, but it's a little painful anytime I think about that. Lia returns with a flat white and a vanilla cake. I'm usually pretty adventurous when it comes to coffee now, but today, I feel like being basic. As I drink my coffee, I can feel all eyes on me. Makes sense. Everyone feels like I'm the intruder to their little get-together since I'm not a part of any of the three big factions when, in reality, those girls are only tolerated; I'm more than welcome for attempting to de-escalate the situation all the way back when. Or it could be because of that doppel incident I had.

"So, anything interesting happen today?" Lia says. I shake my head.

"Normal school, normal life," I reply.

"Yeah. Is it tough being on hiatus?" She asks. I sit back and think for a few moments.

"I don't know. I feel like I should be doing more, but..." I look down at the table. "I don't think I can do this." Lia sits down across from me.

"I don't think I can understand how you feel, so I don't know what to say, but in my opinion, you should try your best to get back out there. I'm sure Mia will be willing to help you along."

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