Chapter 6 A Magical Café

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It's been a few months since the day I discovered my powers. I struggled to get the hang of it at first but during fights, I watched how the others handled their weapons and then copied them. I guess I'm a pretty visual learner. Anyway, over the course of those few months, the witches here seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. This witch was definitely the strongest we'd faced so far. We were going on our normal witch hunt when we found this one. As soon as we entered its labyrinth we were immediately dropped right in front of the witch. Like, that shouldn't happen, especially for a witch that strong.

That's not all, though. We saw five cloaked figures in the labyrinth when we arrived. Four of them were wearing black cloaks and one was wearing a white cloak. They were just as surprised to see us as we were.

"Hey!" Mia called out to them but they ran away and exited the labyrinth. Unfortunately, we couldn't go after them because we still had to deal with the witch. After all that, we expected a grief seed from the witch but none came.

"After all that, we get nothing?" Mia complained.

"Um... you can have one of mine," I said as I opened my little bag full of grief seeds but Chloe puts a hand over the entrance of it.

"There's always next time."

"More importantly is the issue of those magical girls." Isabella put a hand under her chin. "They looked suspicious to me. Who were they, and what were they doing in there?"

"You can't just barge into people's territories like that!" Mia stomped her foot on the ground, and Chloe just shrugged.

"You could ask at the café tomorrow."

"Café?" I ask.

"Ah, right, you haven't been yet. I'll take you there tomorrow."

And that's how I ended up walking alongside Isabella to whatever this place is. I wonder if café is code for something but every time I ask Isabella what it is she just smiles and says "you'll see."

"So, how was today?" Isabella asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh, it was alright. Math was hard, though. I just don't seem to get it." Isabella giggled.

"Yeah, I'm not too good at maths either, but we do need it in the real world."

"I guess." I shrug.

We catch the bus into the city and chat about random topics along the way. We arrive at the bus stop and walk towards the outskirts, just before we reach a suburban area.

"We're here," Isabella says as she comes to a stop just before a little shop. The walls are painted black with some brown lines outlining the shop. There's a small sign hanging just above the window on the left which you can't see through. The sign reads 'The Magical Café'. That's a bit on the nose, isn't it? "Make sure you have your soul gem ready."


"You'll see." What is with all this 'you'll see' business? It's like she wants this to be some sort of big surprise.

We walk up to the door where it has engraved 'KNOCK BEFORE ENTERING!' Isabella follows the instructions and a small slit opens up revealing a pair of pink eyes.

"VIPs?" A voice behind the door asks. Isabella raises her soul gem up to the pair of eyes. I fumble to get mine out and almost drop it. The eyes take a good look at them before closing the slit. Isabella turns and smiles at me as I hear the sound of latches being unlocked. The door opens, and a girl with short pink hair stands in front of us wearing a waitress uniform. She greets us with a smile.

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