Chapter 13 Uwasa, Uwasa

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Mia walks down the barren, concrete hallway with Makayla following behind, clutching her side. Although she doesn't want to admit it, her wound makes it painful to walk. With each step of her night leg, she feels pain shooting up her side. Fortunately, the blood is cool meaning that the wound has closed up, thanks to her magic healing her body on its own, though it will still take time. Using Isabella's healing ability would drain Makayla's magic too much so she chooses just to deal with it.

As their footsteps echo throughout the hallway, the two girls finally find their way to a large room, like the one they encountered the Magius girls in except this room has four entrances instead of just the two.

"Do you think that's the witch?" Mia asks, pointing to a furnace in the middle of the room.

"You mean the Uwasa," Makayla replies with a cheeky smile.

"Same difference," Mia says, turning to Makayla. When she sees her smile, she lightly slaps the back of Makayla's head, unintentionally causing Makayla to wince.

"Sorry, sorry." She raises her hands as she apologises.

"It's ok," Makayla replies. She knows she would've probably done the same thing to Mia and have the same result. Makayla stands up straight, brushing off the pain.

"How are we going to defeat it?" Mia asks. Makayla shrugs.

"I don't know. It looks like some furnace in the middle of nowhere."

"That's definitely the source," Kyubey says. "Try shooting it with your pistol."

"Will that destroy?" Makayla asks.

"It will at least provoke it," Kyubey replies. Makayla manifests her pistol and aims down the sights. She aims for the inside of the furnace but her pain and fatigue causes her aim to be off when she fires and the bullet strikes the concrete of the entrance of the furnace. The floor rumbles as the furnace is raised above the ground, revealing underneath it a mass of rusty steel beams and cracked concrete.

"Wo," Mia says in awe. A number of steel beams come flying down on top of the two girls. They both turn to each other and try to push the other away only for them to both be pushed apart. The mass of steel beams smashed into the ground where the girls were standing before. Makayla fires her grappling hook at one of the concrete connecting a steel beam to a sort of arm of the Uwasa. When it connects she grabs the rope with both hands and pulls it down hard. The concrete falls to the ground, along with the rest of the steel beams only to be raised back up into the mass a few seconds later. The Uwasa fires more steel beams out at Makayla, forcing her to run to the right as steel beams smash into the ground behind her. With the Uwasa focusing all its attention on Makayla, Mia is able to sneak up next to it and touch her hand onto one of the steel beams. She sends a jolt of electricity which does nothing at first. She puts more magic into her attack until finally, the electricity travels up the steel beams until it reaches a concrete joint before the current stops in its tracks. The steel beams fall to the ground in a heap and don't reconnect to the Uwasa. Mia's momentary triumph is overshadowed when the Uwasa turns its attention to Mia. Before it can attack, however, Makayla fires a grappling hook into the centre of the Uwasa which connects to a concrete slab. She tries to pull it out which slightly succeeds until it gets stuck on some steel beams and won't go anywhere. This still causes the Uwasa to jerk towards Makayla, causing it to stumble. Mia grabs hold of a steel beam and stands up on top of it, running along the beams and concrete until she reaches the furnace. She manifests her baton and tries to stick it in the furnace to deliver an electrical shock but the baton melts inside of it.

"Mia!" Makayla yells out. Mia looks down to see Makayla waving her pistol around. Mia knows what Makayla is about to do and claps her hands and opens her arms out, ready to catch. Makayla takes a few steps back before bouncing a few steps and throwing the pistol. It's just a little too high and Mia has to back up to catch it. Once she does, she immediately unloads a full magazine into the centre of the furnace. It's so fast, she can barely control the recoil and some stray bullets hit the concrete outside of the furnace. The mass of steel beams and concrete collapse around them as the furnace disintegrates. Mia quickly jumps off the crumbling mass and lands next to Makayla. The world around them rumbles as the walls begin to crack and the concrete roof falls around them.

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