Chapter 9

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Hey guys so i was i 100% gonna upload after homework yesterday which i finish around 4pm... So anyways i closed my eyes for split second nd it turned out to b a 2 hour nap(4til 6also known as dinner)then i had to watch my brother then shower then i was argueing in a jokin way wit meh best friend for hours nd well u get the point so now to make it up i will up load more then 1 chapter today!!! So now onward with the writing oh nd please vote and comment or give ideas to wat u thonk should happen


(Lilly's POV)

"whats on your mind?" he asked softly. He just sat there with me on his laugh craddling each other and having him rock me gently back and forth. I took a deep breath "what if something goes wrong?what if we dont win?what--what---what if---"i was struggling to say that last part he lifted my chin up forcing me to look at him "what if they what?"he asked me. "w-w-what if y-you get k-killed" i stuttered out with that i broke down crying.His face droped and he pulled me into a hug and held me tight "now you listen and you listen good...i am not going anywere do ya hear? No were if anyone and i mean anyone lays a fingure on you that will cause harm to you i will kill them!!! Do you under stand LiL?" he said in a protective manner and i just nodded "good lets go for run"he said as he took his clothes off,folded them and shifted into his wolf. 'hmmm lets have him carry you around and have some fun to tease hehehe' my wolf said.Hmmm not a bad idea and it will be better with my salsa outfet on i gonna keep it i think. "down boy"i said he gave me a questioned look as i hoped on his back grabbed a fist full of fur and smacked his has hard screaming "Giddy up horsey!!!!Gidy up!!" i shouted he snorted we played horsey for an hour till it happened. Jake was walking in the flower patch still playing horsey when i suddenly froze another vision but tgis time it is like i see through the enimies eyes.


Joy: >:) at the strike of Midnight we will attack and we will have her all though i know she is the shifter i know she is hiding something and i need---i mean we need to know now!!!

Alpha Xander: well done joy hahahahaha(he laughs coldly) they wont know what hit them

Alpha Xander: and soon we will be unstopable and i will mate her as my own he does an evil laugh

Oh heeell to the no am i mating with him!!

Joy: what?!?!?!?! But what about me!!!

Alpha Xander: what about you? I will mark you at the same time how bout that? She grins and nods

Oh hell n---

*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*vision ends•**•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•

(still Lilly's POV)

I was splashed with 3 ice cold buckets of water

"What the fuuuuuuuck jake!!!!!"i screamed so loud that a tree snaped in half along with a bolder the size of a house and killed 5 geese so much that they are medium rare cooked. My mouth and jakes droped "y-y-you have the yeti scream!.....awesome!!!!" he said that was when i realized what happened i started running fir the car screaming "jake we gotta go like now!!!!" i screaming next thing i knew i was pushed against the car "jake you dont understand!!!we have to warn them!!!!"i was screaming

(Jake's POV)

"warn who?"i asked confused "in my vision i saw Alpha Xander(bone crusher leader) and and" she was stuttering "and who LILLY and who!" i was screaming she was scaeing me "JOY!she is a trator she is 1 of them!!! My vision showed me that they are gunna strike at midnight!!!!"i screamed so loud yet another tree broke in half. Damn so sexy. "and he is planning on mating me....."she said in a hushed voiced ooooh hell to the no!!!! I was growling when she flicked my nose "ow!"i screamed "no growling mister i have to call the house an allies no drive mister!!" she screamed "you got it sugar momma i will make a 5 way phone call" i called up every number




"hello Lilly is that---"yes every its me alphas of the allied packs get to our house with your fighters now!!!! Dad prepare our you know whats and fighters!!!Jake's pack get over to our pack house bow!!!we are running out of time!!!!"she was screaming she is gonna lose it 'deep breath and give me the phone LiL"i said she nodded "hello?!?!?! LILLY what in the bloody hell is going on?!?!?!"they screamed at the same time "sirs and mam's she mean that she had another vision that they striking at the stroke of midnight!"i shouted slightly "John!!!!!round up the fighters!!!!"Alpha 1 line went dead "grants prepare fighters now!!!"alpha 2 screamed again his line died "All fighters and strongest pack members Alpha Lilly's pack house nooooow!!!" my father scream and his line gave "i sorry but i otta prepare for war "fraaaank prepare you know what and fighters now!!!!" then i remembered"sir?" "what i have to go!" i sighed "dont let joy in the stratagy planning or tell her what our you know what is" i said "why?" he asked curiously "she is a trator she is a bone crusher!" i said "joy?but--but---yes will do now hurry up!!!" line went dead.

(Lilly's POV)

We arrived 5 mins later allies and Jakes pack and my pack was all ready. "dad my armour!!" i went to the owl cages with Jake i was about to shift when he grabbed me and pulled me into a deep pationate kiss. A few minuetes passed when he pulled away "thats in case something happens" he said i nodded and pecked him once more before i shifted into a snowy owl and blended in.


Ooo what do you think will happen in war? Will the yeti screach help?How will her father reacted? Will they defeat the bone crushers?? Tune in to find out

Please vote


Give ideas nd share story with friends oh nd i trying to find this 1 book bout a girl named angela nd she was child hood friends with a guy Jared she left and returns 9 years later for Jared's father's funeral and jared as been getting arrested for graffitii and crap its under romance i think pleeease help me find name nd if u kno it i dedicate a chapter to u if u give me a name nd its correct

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