The Mysterious Shifter:The Beauty and Power Within:chapter 4(LILLY's eyes)

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Alpha Dylan(Jake's father) POV

"Ok everyone we need to move fast and figure out how to break the trance fast!" I yelled everyone was nodding in agreement, Chris i need you to run down to the medical department and call out a code translution! go now! and Jake i need you to gather up 4 teams of 5 wolves each and send out a Code Black Alert to our allies we need them for back up! go now! we have no time to waste!!!" he was scream. Once Jake and Chris left 3 head doctors run into the room. The top doctor said "hmmm its defently a trans.........the lifeless trans too be exact. Can be cured by a flower that the summer. Its winter and i cant cure her with out that flower---" The doctor was saying calmly till he was cut off "no! there has to be something else we can do!! she isnt like other wolfs she is different!! she is...." i started screaming. Then a diffent doctor spoke up "what dylan she is what" he asked slightly raising his voice. I waved him over to come and stand by me i go up to his ear "because she is the Mysterious Shifter for cryin' out loud and your telling me this is the best you can do?!" i whisper yelled when suddenly the 3 doctors' mouths dropped. The doctor that was usally quiet burst out words i didnt epect to hear "Well if she is the you know what then you have nothing to worry about! The bonecrusher Pack were idiots because if you really learned about its abilities it says" he grabs out the book on the Mysterious Shifter "it says here that this wolf has the ability to restrain against harmful transes and in this case what they didnt relize is that the lifeless transe instead of harming it helps her by going into meditating mode and she will speak to her gardian wolf that will tell her how to win an important or life threating battle and it will reveale secrets she didnt even know about her self. and lets see cure meditation mode .......................ah! here we go!" the 3rd doctor says while closing the book. "well doctors ? what is the way to wake her up?" he asked just as Jake ran back in huffing and puffing. "its simple 3 buckets of Ice Cold water" he finished off.

Lilly and her gardian wolf's POV

I finally woke up but only to find i was in a beautiful rainforest. 'w-where am i? and man is this place beautiful' i thought to my self, i must have moved inside my head because i was walking around. 'hello Lilly i am your gardian Wolf would care to take a walk so i can explain?' i nodded at the beautiful wolf that looked just like mine. 'you are not dead i am just hear to guide you and only wolves like you can come into a world like this i only appear in important or life threatening battles like the one you have coming up in like a week. Now the key to winning this battle is keeping as much of your allies and packs alive until the whole BoneCrusher Pack arrives. once they all arrive you must have your side touch a bolder rock and your mystery shift will reveal its self and destroying every single BoneCrusher......oh and dont worry about your mate Jake he will live.......oh and one more thing  DONT TRUST JOY!" she said "wait wait wait dont go why dont i trust joy! whats the mystery shift!!!" i was screaming "good-bye Lilly......" she said fading away as a 3rd bucket of ice cold water was dumped on me. "Why am i soaking wet Jake!" i screamed as he held a bucket behind his back looking up and whistling.

Jake's POV

"father they are on there way with the warriors! and have you found the cure!" i was yelling i was huffing and puffing from running. My father nods hands me a bucket of ice cold water i looked at the water oddly "water? is this a joke" i said as father glared at me then suddenly i got a smirk on my face "this should be fun hehehe"i mummbled as 2 buckets were poured on Lilly then i poured my on top of her and quickly held my bucket behind my back and looked away whistling as i saw an angry Lilly shot up and scream "Why am i wet jake!!!". I looked at her smiling "i saved you my love" i said smiling. She just rolled her eyes at me "are you ok LiL?" i asked and she just nodded.

Lilly's POV

"Thank you everyone now i have important information to give you guys so please take a seat" i said as they nodded and sat down. I finally sat down my self wrapped in a towel "my inner wolf has told me that i have a mystery shift that i will not know about until the time is right so when i know its time i will shout to or team to hold on to a bolder or you will be destroyed with no chance of surviving." i said. Dylan finally speaks up "well what happens if we dont grab a boulder?" "then you will die and there is nothing i can do to stop it either" i said. "the battle is going to take place in that huge meadow you to me to earlier Jake and it will be 1 week from tommarrow and finally i have been told that Jake and I was gonna live but i dont know about the rest of you." i said looking down. Jake lifts my chin up with his hand so i can look at him "we are going to survive babe i promise you we will get through this together.....all of us as one big pack" he said in the most sweetest voice then he leans in and kiss my forehead. I just nodded and looked back down everyone, but Jake left the room I was starting to cry alot and i am usally the one who doesnt cry heavly. "Lilly?" he asks me, i look up with a very sad puppy dog looking face.I just couldnt take it anymore so i wrap my arms around him and start crying in his chest " I-i-i am just afraid something will go wrong or worse i am afraid i might l-lose y-y-y-ou......"i said histerically crying

Jake 's POV

I sat there completely froze 'she thinks she gonna lose me she actually loves me!' i thought to my self. I just sat there rubbing her back "shhhh shhhh there now its ok Lilly" i said in a comforting voice. She had been crying for nearly 3' 1/2 hours till she finally stopped and fell asleep sitting on my lap, hugging me and resting her head on my chest. 'she is so adorable when she sleeps' i thought, and then i heard a small knock on the door. "come in" i whispered so i wouldnt wake her. It was my father "is she going to be alright Jake? she has been crying for hours" he whispered. "yea she will be fine she is just scared of what the future holds thats all" i whispered to him. "come on lets go round up our warriors for training leave a note so she wont freak" my father spoke, "actually i will stay with her till she wakes up then we will head to practice after i give her something to eat " i whisper then my father got up and left.I does off into a sleep who knew how long it been 1 hour? 2 mabye? I felt movement from Lilly "Jake? is that you?" she whispered as she stretched and yawned. "yes babe it me lets go get you something to eat then we have to go train ok? she just nods and we headed down to to the kitchen and had some food and we just headed to go train.

*****FLASH BACK JOYS POV********

"you idiots!!!!!! you always screw up!!!! how many times did i tell you that harmful transes DONT WORK!!!!! and then this moron here goes and uses the LIFELESS TRANSE when EVERYBODY knows that, that is the one that guides her through problems!!! ugh we are so screwed now because of morons!!!" joy was scream. "Joy calm down w---" "calm down? CALM DOWN?!?!?! you are telling me to calm down when you just gave them a KEY SOURSE TO SUCESS!!!!!" Joy was screaming as she cut off phill the beta. "you better find away to fix this or i will slit your throat ya hear?!?!?!?!? NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF MY OFFICE NOW!!!!!!" Joy screamed.

********Flash back ends************




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