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*:・゚✧*:・゚Tobio *:・゚✧*:・゚

Kageyama had only seen her once since then, despite two weeks having passed. Apparently, they always managed to miss each other when in the halls, courtyard, or the cafeteria.

He did know that she was in the dance club, he saw her when she was heading into the dance studio on the edge of campus, thankfully close to the volleyball gym.

As much as he didn't want to, he had asked the calmer volleyball team members like Ennoshita and Asahi for information on soulmates since asking someone like Tanaka or Hinata seemed dumb, Asahi was a bust, getting shy and red when asked such a question, but thankfully, Ennoshita was quite helpful.

"There's a difference between soulmates and a crush. a soulmate is your spiritual counterpart, you feel linked like you're one person and you'll feel it click within you when you first lay eyes on them. It doesn't always have to be romantic but a lot of the time it is. A crush is based on a physical attraction, you only like them for the way they look or the way they make you feel in the moment and it can disappear at any given time. With your soulmate, you will never lose that love you have for them. When you meet that person, you will never want to be apart from them because they're like an extension of yourself." he had said.

Kageyama wondered how he'd gotten so knowledgeable about soulmates, but he didn't ask. Maybe Ennoshita had already met his soulmate?

Though Kageyama had some thinking to do. In the spur of the moment when he laid eyes on the girl, he was too enraptured to even notice if something clicked. He didn't even know if he wanted something to have clicked.

If only he could ask her if she had felt anything.

*:・゚✧*:・゚sana *:・゚✧*:・゚

Sana saw him a lot. He always appeared when she least expected it and her eyes always found him as if they were a magnet only drawn to him. She knew he was her soulmate but she wasn't so sure if he did. He never saw her nor did he seek her out. Sana had been close to approaching him a few times but always chickened out since he was always with a gaggle of other volleyball players, the tiny ginger one being seen with him most frequently.

Sana was easily intimidated by boys. It's like her personality did a complete flip when she had to talk to them. Her twin brother, Koizumi Sato, was probably the only boy she'd willingly spoken to but that was to be expected seeing as they literally shared a womb. With other girls, Sana was extroverted, but with any boys other than her family she was reserved.

She didn't really know why. Maybe it was because teenage boys were loud and rambunctious and never seemed to respect anyone.

She willed her intimidation to disappear when he was around, so she could talk to him just once and figure out if he really knew what she was to him or if he simply didn't care about soulmates at all and wanted to forge his own path through life, picking his own lover rather than having the universe decide it for him.

Sana really wished he just didn't know yet, she would most likely be heartbroken if it was anything else despite never even talking to the boy.

From what she had observed, he was a quiet boy who was loud and open once he was comfortable, it was either that or the ginger boy just really got on his nerves. She thought he was handsome in a boyish way, tall and dark with piercing blue eyes.

None of her friends knew who he was, she had asked already, so she would have to find a way to know him on her own. Thought it would be a hell of a lot easier if he even noticed when he was in a room with her.

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