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*:・゚✧*:・ Tobio*:・゚✧*:・

It seemed that he and Tsukishima had come to some sort of a truce. insults and arguments were few and far between, there was less glaring and they could hold a decent conversation. Sana was just as shocked when he told her, but to his surprise, she encouraged him to try to befriend Tsukishima, claiming it would be good for him to have positive relationships with everyone on the team.

Whilst he agreed, it seemed unnatural. He and Tsukishima had never gotten along. From the moment they met, they'd been at each other's throats and becoming friends seemed outlandish at this point, but for the sake of volleyball and nationals, he'd keep it the way it was now—civil.

"I got invited to Tokyo for a training camp," he said with a small smile when they got into Sana's bedroom. As usual, he rid himself of his t-shirt. Sana was always chilly so had the heater up high, but Kageyama had a higher core temperature than most people—plus he liked the way Sana's eyes would rake over his bare torso every so often.

"Of course you did, you're the best setter in Miyagi," Sana smiled, pulling him over to her double bed by his arm. Tobio got the hint and dropped down onto the plush mattress, shuffling back and laying down, holding his arms out for Sana to crawl into. She looked cute in the too-big hoodie he gave her, drowning in the fleece and having to roll up the sleeves so they wouldn't get in the way. Her pyjama shorts were barely noticeable under the hoodie and Tobio couldn't help but ogle her legs as she moved to climb onto the bed, crawling between his legs and resting her head on his stomach.

"There are other players from different teams that are going to nationals too, I'll be able to see the competition before we get there." He continued, frowning at the fact she'd chosen to lay so far down. He wrapped his hands under her arms and hoisted her up so her head was lying on his chest. Sana whined at the movement but cuddled up to him nevertheless.

"That's good, you can watch out for everyone's strengths and weaknesses and report them back to the Karasuno team like a double agent." Sana lifted her head, resting her chin on his chest so she could see his face.

Tobio huffed out a small laugh and laid his hand on the small of her back under her hoodie, drawing shapes along her spine with his finger. "I'll be gone for a week." He revealed, smile dropping when he realised he wouldn't be able to see her during that time.

"When?" Sana asked, brows furrowing slightly.

"In three weeks."

"oh, that's perfect," Sana sat up, straddling his waist. "I'm in Moscow in three weeks for the international grand prix."

He'd forgotten about that, forgotten that she'd been putting in extra hours at the dance studio and coming home exhausted, having to patch up her ruined feet. he'd been too caught up in nationals that he'd forgotten to check up on her and support her.

"Are you okay? you've gone quiet." Sana cupped his jaw with her hand, guiding his face to look at her.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly and Sana frowned.

"For what?"

"I haven't come to watch you dance in a while, I've been going to volleyball at lunchtime instead," Tobio said.

Sana clicked her tongue, a smile playing on her lips. "You don't need to apologise for that, you had to practice for nationals. I don't expect you to be there all the time when you have your own milestones to work towards." She leaned forward and pressed a light kiss to the top of his nose, and then his lips before sitting back up.

Tobio nodded, cheeks flushing. He couldn't comprehend how she was so perfect for him, though that was how the universe worked. Soulmates were chosen to be each other's perfect match.

"What dances are you doing?" He asked once he'd managed to calm his heartbeat.

"For pas de deux we're doing Manon Act III finale. I have to wear a really short wig but Dai and I are sure to win with that one since it's so difficult and very emotional. We had to switch up the end to take out the kiss so you don't have to worry about that," she gave him a knowing look and Tobio cracked a smile. "For my solo, I'm doing Giselle. it's so beautiful but so hard, a lot of pointe work and turns."

Tobio didn't understand a word about the dances and some of the terminology, but he loved the way she would ramble so passionately. She could've just given him the name of the dance variations she would be performing, but she explained it in a way that he could understand the mood and difficulty of the dances. It would be practically impossible for him to learn all the names of the moves and pair them with what he would see her doing on stage but he'd try his best for her, and he would get better at it as they grew older.

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