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*:・゚✧*:・ Tobio *:・゚✧*:・

School was not fun for Tobio after the summer break—not that it was before. But at least before the break, he had Sana to himself. Now that she'd won nationals and the other students had realised they had a ballet prodigy in their year group, many people approached them. He didn't mind at first since it was just other girls who were interested in ballet and were gushing about how cool she looked, but then came the boys and the confessions, acting as if he wasn't at her side when they professed their newfound love.

The most annoying ones were the boys who claimed Sana was their soulmate but it was always satisfying when she would point to Tobio at her side and tell them she already found her soulmate. Tobio had never really realised how much of a jealous person he was until meeting her. Sana, bless her heart, would always apologise and make sure he was alright when it happened but tobio knew it made her 100x more uncomfortable than it made him, so the next time it happened, he stepped in instead of remaining silent like he would before.

"Koizumi, may I speak to you alone? I have something to tell you," a boy from the tennis team approached her, dressed in his sportswear since it was after school. Kageyama and Sana were on their way to the volleyball gym hand in hand, though the boy clearly chose to ignore that detail, and Tobio's existence altogether.

"You can say it here." Tobio cut in firmly, he didn't miss the barely noticeable grateful look Sana sent his way.

"Um...okay then," the boy cleared his throat. By the looks of him, he looked to be a second year, not that Tobio would've noticed him if he was in the first year, he didn't even know most of his classmates' names, let alone the face of every boy in first year.

"I like you Sana, please allow me to take you out on a date," the boy said shakily, his cheeks flushing pink as he avoided eye contact with them both.

"I have a boyfriend," Sana said, tugging on tobio's hand and clearly thinking it was the end of the conversation.

"Wait! Can't you give me a chance? I promise I'll make it worth your time," the boy said desperately.

Tobio's eye twitched in annoyance and he turned back towards the boy, momentarily letting go of Sana's hand as he stalked up to him intimidatingly, towering over him by at least 5 inches.

"She has a boyfriend and you're making her uncomfortable. Take the rejection and leave." Tobio said monotonously, anger coursing through his blood. He turned around without giving the boy a second glance and walked back to Sana, linking their hands and continuing their walk to the gym, trying not to let his simmering rage bubble over in front of his soulmate.

He was taken off guard when Sana took a left instead of a right, pulling him into the empty dance studio and flicking on the lights. She gave him a small reassuring smile and began talking.

"Are you okay? you seem angry..." she said, eyebrows furrowing.

"Not at you. Just annoyed at how they act like they don't know we're together." Tobio revealed, reaching out to slide his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. He wasn't really used to sharing his feelings.

"I know, it bothers me too. But you're my soulmate and I wouldn't change that for anything in the world. It'll all die down once they forget about nationals."

Tobio's anger dissipated and he draped his body over hers, holding her tight and pressing a kiss to the crown of her head. He didn't say anything, not feeling the need to. Sana somehow always knew what to say to him.

"You're gonna be late to practice," Sana pointed out, trailing her hands up his chest before circling her arms around his neck, leaning up to press a kiss to the corner of his lips.

Tobio nodded but didn't make any move to leave, instead leaning in for a proper kiss. He pressed their lips together gently and pulled back a second later, breaking away from her embrace and making a move for the door, a sense of urgency filling him as he thought about the upcoming games they had. He'd practise hard today, getting his anger out through his sets.

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