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*:・゚✧*:・゚Sana *:・゚✧*:・゚

Sana could feel the disappointment rolling off the Karasuno volleyball team in unruly waves when that ball hit the ground. the other team, Aoba Johsai, had beaten them in the last round, after all the work they'd put in to get to this point, they were beaten by a hair.

Sana, Sato and Yoko rushed out of the stands and down the stairs ahead of everyone else so they wouldn't get caught up in the crowd and so they could comfort their friends faster. They ran down the stairs and paused in the hallway, trying to peer over the swarm of giant volleyball players in an attempt to spot the familiar black and orange uniform.

"Excuse me! Coming through!" Yoko began to yell, leading the twins through the endless maze of sweaty athletes, who looked at the bleach blonde like she was crazy, they parted anyway, making room for the three of them to walk through.

Yoko eventually found her brother and clapped a manicured hand on his shoulder. Daichi tensed but mustered up a small smile when he looked down to see his little sister smiling up at him proudly. "You did well, brother," Yoko said.

Sana made eye contact with Tobio over Yoko's shoulder and her heart broke at the saddened look in his eyes. He immediately trudged over, not caring for the number of people around or the sweat dripping from him, and dropped his head down onto her shoulder. Sana moved her hand up and cradled his head. She didn't care if his hair was sticky with sweat, she just wanted to make him feel better, and if this was what he needed, then so be it.

Tobio's arms hung tiredly at his sides as he sighed deeply, not moving or saying anything. A few of the team members glanced over but ultimately didn't say anything. They were all sad too. after a few minutes, the hallway emptied out, leaving the Karasuno team, Yoko and the twins alone.

"C'mon boys, you did well, there's no use moping. Let's go get some food." Coach Ukai sighed, the low mood suffocating him.

"Yes, coach," the third-years said solemnly. They began to grab their things, wrapping their team jackets around their shoulders.

"Kageyama are you coming?" Tanaka asked, looking over to where tobio was standing with Sana, Yoko and Sato by their side. Tobio shook his head, though no one could really tell with his face still buried in Sana's shoulder.

"Go eat with your team, I'll wait until you get back," Sana whispered to him and he sighed again, finally lifting his head. He silently grabbed his things and waved to the three who came to support the team before they all left wordlessly.

"They still have the spring tournament don't they?" Sato asked. He was confused as to why the team was so sad.

"They're upset because they worked hard and we're so close to winning. it doesn't matter if they still have another chance," Yoko huffed. "Let's go, we can't just stand around here all day."

*:・゚✧*:・゚Tobio *:・゚✧*:・゚

Tobio trudged up to his front door, his eyes still puffy from crying earlier. He was pleasantly surprised when he spotted Sana perched on his doorstep, watching something on her phone. She looked up when he approached, clicking her phone off and standing to give him a hug despite the cold sweat clinging to him.

"How're you feeling?" She asked, holding him close.

Tobio wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her into his chest, resting his chin on top of her head. "Fine. need to shower."

He broke away from the hug and took his keys from his pocket, unlocking his door and leading Sana inside. He took her upstairs once they'd both removed their shoes and sat her down in his room whilst he went to shower.

He made sure to be quick, not wanting to keep her waiting for too long—he also just wanted to cuddle sooner. Tobio lathered his body and hair with soap, scrubbing until no remnants of sweat remained and stepped out of the shower, throwing on a pair of sweatpants and rubbing at his hair with the towel as he made his way back to his bedroom.

Sana was in the exact same position he'd left her in, lying on her stomach on his bed with her feet in the air, watching ballet videos on her phone. tobio ran his hand over the exposed skin of her lower back before climbing onto the bed next to her, waiting as she closed her phone and flipped onto her back so he could lay comfortably on her chest like usual.

"How was dinner with the team?" she asked quietly, one hand resting flat on his bare back whilst the other carded through his damp hair.

"Everyone cried," Tobio grunted, taking advantage of the situation to receive more affection. It worked though, Sana pulled him impossibly closer and Tobio slipped a hand up her shirt, resting it on her ribcage.

"You'll beat them next time," Sana said and Tobio's heart could've burst at the determination in her voice. He'd never had anyone be so supportive of his love for volleyball, not his parents nor his sister, so it was nice to have Sana. His soulmate who learned everything there was to learn about volleyball for him, who came to his games despite having events of her own to train for.

Tobio pressed a kiss to her collarbone as if to say 'thank you', his eyes burning with unspilt tears once more.

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