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*:・゚✧*:・゚Tobio *:・゚✧*:・

"Welcome back," Tobio flashed a small smile, opening his arms wide for his soulmate to fall into. Sana grinned happily at him from his doorstep, reaching forward to wrap her arms around his neck. She pressed a kiss to his cheek and he pulled her inside, waiting until she'd removed her shoes until he ushered her up the stairs to his room.

"How was your training camp?" Sana asked as she shrugged off her jacket, jumping into Tobio's awaiting arms before he flopped them both down onto the bed.

"It was fine, learned some stuff. missed you though." He sighed happily, snuggling into her neck.

"I missed you too," Sana chuckled, carding her finger through his hair. "Hinata said you roped the whole training camp into watching me at nationals." She laughed, the sound vibrating through her chest and into Tobio's.

"Hinata's dramatic. Karasuno was planning on watching and then they all joined because they were curious." Tobio scoffed, trying to push himself impossibly closer to her to make up for the time they spent apart.

"You're next babe," Sana said and tobio hummed, confused. "I'll be watching your games soon and then I'll be watching you at nationals when you win."

Tobio smiled into her neck before he pushed himself up, shyly leaning down to press their lips together.

He'd missed this; missed her, and he didn't plan on letting her go any time soon.

*:・゚✧*:・゚Sana *:・゚✧*:・

It was too warm to be cuddled up like this, Tobio's entire body draped over hers as he napped, but he looked so peaceful. The cute furrow in his brow, his slightly parted lips, the way he clung to her so desperately even in his sleep. Sana couldn't bring herself to shuffle out from under him to open a window or change into lighter clothes.

They'd planned a sleepover for tonight to make up for the time they spent apart. it took a lot of convincing on her part, trying to get her mother and brother to allow her to stay at a boy's house alone overnight, but she'd managed to get them to agree after being forced to sit through their talks about safe sex and the intentions of boys. Sana definitely didn't plan for that to happen tonight and she was sure Tobio didn't either, but if it got them to let her sleep over at Tobio's house, she could deal with it no matter how awkward it was.

Eventually, the heat was too much and she squirmed uncomfortably. It didn't help that Tobio was always unnaturally warm, acting as a human furnace. Sana supposed that would be useful in the winter, but it was still summer and the sun was particularly intense today, shining through Tobio's window and warming his bare back.

She almost celebrated when his doorbell rang and Tobio stirred but stayed asleep, holding her tighter. It rang again and Sana took to lightly shaking his shoulders to rouse him.

"Babe, the doorbell," she said softly, moving his hair from his forehead so she could press a light kiss to it.

"Not expecting anyone, they'll leave eventually," he replied sleepily, not budging from his spot. He was proved wrong when whoever was at the door gave up on the doorbell and began pounding their fist on the door instead, not relenting.

"Come on, let's go see who it is." Sana chuckled. Tobio grumbled but reluctantly sat up, stretching his toned arms above his head and hopping off the bed. Sana followed behind, tying her hair into a ponytail as she walked to try and relieve the heat crawling up the back of her neck.

*:・゚✧*:・゚Tobio *:・゚✧*:・

"Tobio you're half naked, I'll answer it," Sana called as she ran down the stairs behind him. He gave her a look but answered it anyway, his brows furrowing in confusion when he saw who was at the door.

"Yoko? What are you doing here?" He asked, voice quiet. He didn't bother trying to cover his bare torso, not really caring about the indecency of the situation. He was more concerned about the reason for her visit and the tears that looked like they'd spill over her lash line at any given moment.

"Yoko's here?" Sana asked, finally making it to the door and standing on her tiptoes to peer over her soulmate's shoulder. "What's wrong? I only saw you 3 hours ago and now you look upset."

"Tsukishima is being a little bitch." Yoko sniffled, avoiding eye contact with both of them. "Can I come in?"

Tobio nodded and opened the door wide enough for her to fit through. He closed the door behind her and gave Sana a worried look. With Yoko's permission, Sana had filled him in on the complicated soulmate relationship between Yoko and Tsukishima and since he'd somehow become close to Yoko through the twins, he was worried and angry for the girl—not that he really needed any excuse to be angry at Tsukishima.

Yoko gingerly sat on the couch after removing her shoes. She gratefully accepted the tissues Sana offered her and began explaining what happened, dabbing at her eyes and nose. Sana and tobio sat down on either side of her, ready to listen.

"Before we went off to Tokyo for nationals, Tsukishima came to me and told me he wanted to try and be a proper soulmate to me and naturally, I was happy because that's all I wanted," she started. Sana and Tobio listened carefully, already guessing where this was going. "But I went to see him today since we're all back home. We met in the square and he was really awkward so I asked him what was wrong and he yelled at me and told me to stop being a nuisance. Then he started mumbling about how he 'couldn't do it' and stormed off, leaving me in the square with everyone staring at me... so I went to your house and your mom told me you were here so here we are."

"He said you were a nuisance for caring about his feelings?" Sana repeated, appalled. Yoko nodded, leaning to the side to rest her head on Sana's shoulder.

"Why would he say that if he said he wanted to try, it makes no sense," Tobio said, pursing his lips as his brain worked overtime.

"I know! he's so confusing! I'm never speaking to him again, I can't deal with this for the rest of my life, I'd rather die alone."

Sana gave her friend a sad look and pulled her into her arms, cradling her head as she comforted her. "He doesn't deserve a second chance, not if he treats you like shit every time he speaks to you."

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