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*:・゚✧*:・ Tobio*:・゚✧*:・

Tobio turned up at Sana's house as soon as it hit 8 PM that day, knowing she would be back from dance school. He had a great time at practice. His sets were on point, and he felt more confident and motivated than he usually did, which was surprising since he was always confident and motivated when it came to volleyball.

Sato opened the door when he knocked, letting him in without a word. It has become a routine since Tobio and Sana got closer to meet up at either of their houses to spend the evening together so Sato stopped questioning things and just let him in.

"You should just start walking in. You're here pretty much every day so there's no need to knock," Sato said, stalking back up the stairs to his room. Tobio didn't reply seeing as Sato was already gone and took off his shoes, walking up the stairs two at a time to get to Sana's room at the end of the hall.

She wasn't in there so Tobio settled down in her desk chair, pulling out his phone to occupy the time. He assumed she was showering since he heard the water running when he walked past. What he didn't expect was the shrill yell from the bathroom that made him jump.

He jogged back into the hallway curiously at the same time as Sato, who knocked on the door to make sure she was okay. The door swung open a moment later and Sana ran out with a sense of urgency, wrapped in a towel and still dripping wet.

"What is it?" Sato asked, peering into the bathroom. The shower was still running so whatever it was, she clearly didn't have enough time to turn it off.

"Spider," she answered simply. She pointed to the tile wall by the shower and lo and behold, a large brown spider perched on the wall, unaware of the distress it caused the girl it had interrupted.

Tobio grimaced at the sheer size of the insect, understanding why Sana had screamed at the sight of it.

"Ew, what the fuck? how did that even get in." Sato blinked. "I didn't see it when I showered."

Tobio looked around the hallway and then grabbed a stray magazine from atop the counter, rolling it up and then strolling bravely into the bathroom. He'd never really had a problem with spiders, but the twins clearly did so he took the initiative and decided to kill it for them. The dead spider dropped to the floor after one sharp hit from tobio and he picked it up with some tissue, shoving it into the bin.

The twins stared at him in shock as he walked back out of the bathroom, depositing the magazine back where he found it. Sato began to clap dramatically, applauding his bravery in the face of such a treacherous beast.

Tobio gave Sato a half-smile, half-grimace, and then wandered back into Sana's bedroom. He watched through the open door as Sana gingerly walked back into the bathroom, checking around the corner as if another spider was going to jump out at her. She switched the shower off and then followed Tobio into her bedroom.

He watched as she walked over to him clad in nothing but her towel, trying his best to keep his gaze above her shoulders. Sana bent down and pressed a lingering kiss to his lips.

"My hero," she joked before straightening up and spinning the desk chair around so he was facing the wall. "Don't turn around, I'm getting dressed," she said and Tobio hummed out an okay, obeying her wishes and staring straight at the wall for the couple minutes it took for her to put on her pyjamas. He didn't dare move or turn on his phone just in case she thought he was trying to look.

"Done. you can turn around now." Sana ran a hand across his shoulder and Tobio wasted no time in spinning the chair around, dragging his soulmate into his lap and slotting their lips together. Sana let out a surprised squeak but soon matched his pace, kissing back with just as much fervour.

Usually one of them would break away after a few minutes but both of them seemed content with letting this go on longer. Tobio's hand snuck up the back of Sana's t-shirt, his thumb stroking the smooth skin along her spine causing her to shiver.

"How was volleyball today?" Sana panted once they parted, running her fingers through his hair lovingly.

"It was good. We played well," Tobio answered. He was never a man of many words, no matter how much he'd like to have a full conversation with her, it was hard for him to find words to say, even when it was about his favourite thing in the world.

"Excited for your matches? I've already planned with Yoko and Sato to come watch you." Sana pushed his hair away from his face, peppering kisses along his forehead and cheeks.

Tobio's heart warmed. He didn't think he'd ever get used to someone supporting him unconditionally like this.

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