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*:・゚✧*:・Tobio *:・゚✧*:・

They were long-distance for 5 months out of 12, much to their dismay. Sana was now one of the best principal dancers at the Royal Ballet in London, performing in all of her dream ballets like Manon, Giselle and Carmen, and of course, Tobio went to every performance he could, catching a flight to England just to watch his wife and soulmate dance. Sana was no different. She flew back to Japan to watch his games when she could.

After graduating college, Tobio became relatively well known too, and once their relationship and the fact they were soulmates was exposed to the public, tobio and Sana became one of the most popular couples in Japan's sports world.

Since it was now her off-season, Sana was flying home to spend the rest of the year with him in their home, the fairly large house feeling empty with no one to share it with, and Tobio had planned a surprise for her, a 'welcome home' present.

He looked through the rearview mirror to check on the pet carrier in the back, the red bow he tied around it glittering in the sun that shone through the windows. The little black kitten inside was napping, cuddled up in the blanket Tobio had put in there to keep the tiny feline warm. He was on his way to the airport to pick Sana up after her long flight, hoping the present would make her happy.

They'd spoken about getting a pet before but with Sana out of the country for almost half a year every year, and the constant travelling they both had to do, they decided against it so they wouldn't be uprooting the animal all the time. But Tobio saw the way she acted around their friends' cats and knew she definitely wanted one.

Once he'd parked, he cracked the back windows and ran into the airport. He was a bit late because of traffic and having to pick up their new kitten so Sana was already there waiting for him when he arrived. He immediately ran up and pulled her into his arms, smiling into her hair.

"I missed you so much," she mumbled into his muscled chest, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist.

"I missed you too," Tobio said quietly, pressing kisses to the crown of her head.

"Let's go home and take a nap, the jet lag is killing me already." Sana yawned, breaking away from the hug and clasping the handle of her suitcase. Tobio gently removed her hand and took it himself, wheeling the heavy case towards the exit with one hand whilst the other slipped into Sana's, leading her to the car.

"I have a surprise for you," Tobio smiled, excited to see his wife's reaction. "It's in the car."

"What is it?" Sana asked, her interest piqued.

"You'll have to wait and see," Tobio replied, walking a little bit faster so they would get to the car sooner and she could see what he got her.

"Is it food?"


"Sato or Yoko?"


Is it—"

"You'll see in a second, the car is right over there." Tobio chuckled, lifting their linked hands to his lips to press a kiss to the back of her hand. They crossed the road and walked past a few more cars until they got to Tobio's black Aston Martin. He deposited Sana's suitcase into the trunk before opening the back door, ordering his soulmate to close his eyes whilst he grabbed her surprise.

"Okay, open them," Tobio said gently, cradling the small feline in his arms. Sana gasped and looked between her husband and the kitten with wide eyes.

"For us?" she asked, eyes glittering with tears.

Tobio nodded and gently handed her the black kitten, the feline immediately cuddling into her arms. "She likes you."

"What did you name her?"

"I haven't given her one, I thought you'd want to," Tobio said, stepping closer so he could press a light kiss to her lips.

"we can think of one together. thank you tobio, I love her."

"what about Yoshi?"

"I like it, it suits her." Sana smiled. "Now let's go home."

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