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*:・゚✧*:・゚Sana *:・゚✧*:・゚

"I spoke to him!" Sana gasped excitedly as she and Sato separated from the group of volleyball first years, slapping his arm over and over again as they walked away.

"Saying 'nice to meet you' doesn't count," Sato laughed teasingly.

"Yes, it does! I made eye contact and everything." She smiled smugly, proud of herself for going out of her comfort zone even if it seemed like nothing to other people.

"Whatever you say." Sato rolled his eyes. "I was expecting you to say more, I opened up the conversation to include you."

"No, you didn't, you got too excited and chatted with Hinata the whole time whilst I stood there with him awkwardly."

"Well, it would've been easier if he actually spoke. he just stood there and stared at you," Sato said. "This is gonna be harder than I thought."

Sana sighed. Maybe Kageyama didn't want to speak to her, maybe he didn't want her as a soulmate after all, and she was just getting her hopes up. It was either that or he just genuinely froze when it came to speaking.

"Hey, have you spoken to Dad recently?" Sato asked, changing the subject.

"Nope, not since I refused to move to France with him after the divorce."

"He's still mad about that? What did he expect? He can't just take you away from everything you've ever known, nor can you just split up a set of twins." Sato scowled angrily.

"He only wanted me to go because he wanted me to train full time and join the Paris Opera Ballet, not because he actually wanted joint custody. If he wanted joint custody he would've taken us both for half a year." Sana spat, her distaste for her father's actions evident in her tone.

"You know me and Mom wouldn't have blamed you if you moved, you have the skills to be a principal dancer."

"I would've missed you too much. what would I do without my little brother by my side to do all the talking for me? I'm not going to Paris to attend a fancy ballet school if you're not going with me, no matter how much Dad begs me to move." Sana smiled cheekily, linking her arm with his.

"Little brother? Are you serious?"

*:・゚✧*:・゚Tobio *:・゚✧*:・゚

"Why are you so red?" Hinata asked as they watched the twins depart, staring at the pair in confusion as Sana continually slapped Sato on the arm.

"Ooo does the king have a crush on Sana?" Tsukishima teased. Kageyama's scowl deepened.

"I don't know her," he said gruffly, throwing his empty milk carton into the bin.

"You don't have to know someone to have a crush on them, and Sana is very pretty." Tsukishima smirked, trying to get a rise out of him. "maybe I'll try talking to her."

That made Kageyama unbearably angry, even if he knew Tsukishima was only saying it to piss him off, and he had to walk away before he started shouting. The last time he and Tsukishima had a huge argument, both Kageyama and Hinata got kicked out of the gym for a week and he didn't want a repeat of that any time soon.

though Tsukishima's taunting did make something click within him—jealously, and he realised that he'd have to speak to Sana real soon.

So he followed after the twins, catching up fast with long strides.

"—I'm not going to Paris to attend a fancy ballet school if you're not going with me. no matter how much Dad begs me to move."

"Little brother? Are you serious?"

"You are my little brother."

"Nooooo," Sato dragged out, wagging his finger. "We are twins. We were born at the same time."

"Four minutes apart." Sana sassed, smiling cheekily.

"That's nothi— Kageyama, hi!"

"Don't tease me," Sana whined. "I told you not to make jokes about it!"

"I'm not joking he's right behind you." Sato deadpanned and Sana froze, turning slowly.

She looked like a deer caught in the headlights, staring up at Kageyama with wide green eyes that made him blush.

"Um... hi." He stuttered.

"This is cute and all but I'm gonna wait over there," Sato laughed awkwardly, backing a few feet away and waiting by the wall separating the school campus and the outside world.

"Hi," Sana replied awkwardly. "did you need something?"

"I..." he paused, clearing his throat. "I know you're my soulmate, I just didn't know how to talk to you. I've known since the first day of school."

Sana smiled, her cheeks tinging a light shade of pink. "I didn't know how to talk to you either." She hesitantly stuck out her hand for a handshake.

Kageyama took it shyly, letting his hand linger over her smaller ones a little longer than he should have.

"We should talk more often, Kageyama." Sana's eyes glinted in the sunlight as she held eye contact, searching his navy blue eyes for any sign of discomfort.

"yes." He blurted, his blush reaching his ears and most likely spreading all the way down to his chest.

Sana nodded, her smile widening as she bid him goodbye, her dark brown hair swaying behind her as she scurried back to her brother.

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