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*:・゚✧*:・ Tobio*:・゚✧*:・

The All-Japan youth camp was exactly what he expected. Competitive nature under the guise of false friendship, strong players, and sweaty teenage boys sharing a space and not bothering to clean up after themselves. After staying home by himself for three weeks out of the month, Tobio learned to keep his home clean so he wouldn't be living in squalor, it seemed many teenage boys never obtained that skill.

He hung around with a guy with black hair for most of his time off-court—not that he could remember the guy's name—He'd so fondly nicknamed him 'broccoli #2' and other than broccoli, Tobio had met a fair number of amazing players. Sakusa Kiyoomi, a 2nd year who was one of the top 5 aces in Japan, Miya Atsumu, who was a great setter, and Hoshiumi Kourai, who had a really bad haircut.

He hadn't really heard much from Sana since she got to Moscow, it was hard for her to get time to call him and the wifi in her hotel wasn't the best, but she'd managed to send him a link to the live stream of the international grand prix, and after explaining to the caretaker that his soulmate was competing tonight in a worldwide competition, he'd managed to her his hands on the tv in the common room of their accommodation for two hours, just enough time to watch the whole thing.

He perched on the couch, staring intently at the screen as it got closer and closer to Sana's performance, paying attention to each ballerina that came on stage. They were all good, especially the girls representing Russia and France, but Sana was better.

"Is this the international grand prix?" Sakusa asked, walking into the common room with damp hair and his mask covering his face. Tobio nodded without taking his eyes off the TV. "I didn't peg you as the type to like ballet," he added, taking a seat on the opposite end of the couch, apparently deciding to join him.

"My soulmate is representing Japan," he revealed, watching as the girl representing China finished her set. She was good too, and definitely a strong contender.

"Your soulmate is Koizumi Sana? I'm friends with her brother!" Atsumu said as he hopped over the back of the couch, landing in between sakusa and tobio. Both boys turned to give him a glare for the disturbance.

"I'm not surprised. Sato is friends with everyone."

"Does that mean you know Yoko too? I have such a crush on her." Atsumu said. Tobio shushed him but nodded.

"Sana's up next," Tobio replied, turning the volume up and leaning forward to the TV for a closer look.

"Representing Japan we have Koizumi Sana dancing 'Giselle'. She broke world records with her 32 fouettés 3 months ago!" The presenter said and Sana walked out a moment later, looking beautiful in her costume.

the music started and Sana's expression turned wistful and happy as she acted out the beginning of the dance. each step and spin was flawless, the tricky footwork looking easy as she hopped around the stage on pointe. even her facial expressions were perfect. There was no doubt in Tobio's mind that Sana would come first. every detail in her performance was flawless, there was no hesitation, no sign of her being nervous and no wobbling or missed beats, and her pirouettes at the end of her set were swift and unwavering, her skirts fanning around her.

The clapping and cheering was loud when she finished and she posed before she left the stage. Tobio let out a deep breath, leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes in relief. She was amazing, she always was.

"Her form could rival principal dancers, she's great for someone so young," Sakusa commented as the next contestant was announced.

"Why do you know so much about ballet?" Atsumu asked, scrunching his nose up.

"One of my cousins is a principal dancer, Takada Akane. She's under the royal ballet in London." Sakusa explained, pulling his phone out to pass the time before the pas de deux performances started. Clearly, he was only interested in the Japanese representatives, though Tobio couldn't say he was any different.

Sana was right. Her pas de deux with Dai was emotional. So emotional in fact that the crowd didn't clap or cheer for a few seconds after they finished, too shocked by the raw intensity of the dance that they forgot they were meant to.

She'd explained it to him before. With an intense dance, the best reaction you could get from an audience is silent shock before they applaud. It's exactly what you wanted to happen.

Sakusa and Tobio let out a deep breath at the same time, both of them as amazed as the audience in Moscow.

"Why was that so sad?" Atsumu questioned, not knowing much about ballet.

"That's the finale of Manon, she died, it's meant to be sad," Sakusa said and Tobio nodded along, surprised by how much his peer really knew about ballet. Tobio had been trying to learn for months and still hadn't fully grasped it.

"They're gonna win," Tobio said firmly. "They got the silent reaction thingy."

"What's the silent reaction thingy?" Atsumu repeated.

"It's when an audience is so shocked by a performance that there's a delayed reaction in their applause." Sakusa sighed, fed up with Atsumu's constant nattering. "Though it doesn't always guarantee a win, it just means the dance was very well executed and intense."

"They're gonna win," Tobio said again, no doubt in his voice as he pulled out his phone to wait out the remaining dances until the rankings were announced. Now that all of Sana's categories were over with, he wasn't interested in the rest, only wanting to know when she won.

instead, he texted Sato, to let him know he was watching Sana and that he'd met one of his friends at training camp. Sato replied almost instantly despite being in Moscow, attaching an image of Sana taking off her wig with Dai cheering in the back.

Tobio huffed out a small laugh and saved the ridiculous picture to his camera roll.

"So you weren't lying, you really do know them." Atsumu hummed, peeking over Tobio's shoulder.

"Why would I lie?" Tobio rolled his eyes.

"To seem cool? Obviously," Atsumu scoffed. "tell them 'Tsumu says 'hi' for me."

"Text him yourself."

Tobio had to hold himself back from standing up and cheering when Sana and Dai placed first in the pas de deux category, both of them bursting out into tears as they were handed their medals and bouquets, but he couldn't stop himself when Sana placed first again for her solo.

He let out a loud whoop of victory, something he only let out after beating Shiratorizawa and Aoba johsai. Sakusa didn't even give him an annoyed glance like he normally would when someone was making too much noise. If his soulmate had just become a world champion, he'd have the same reaction.

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