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*:・゚✧*:・゚Sana *:・゚✧*:・゚

"Sato! Help me, what do I wear?" Sana panicked. clothes were strewn all over her floor and bed in an unceremonious pile as she tried to pick an outfit for her day out with Kageyama, none of her clothes seeming good enough. Sato rushed in with a toothbrush in his mouth, eyes widening at the mess she'd created.

"It's warm today," he spoke, mouth filled with toothpaste. he held a finger up and ran back to the bathroom to clear his mouth out. He came back moments later. "Wear the pastel green summer dress with the white cardigan and the white tote bag," he said simply.

"But what if that's not casual enough?" Sana frowned. "I don't know what we're going to do so I don't know how to dress."

"Why don't you just wear your baggy jeans and a white dress shirt then? The casual jeans and the formal shirt cancel each other out." Sato began to nudge the clothes on the floor into a pile for her to easily pick up later.

Sana took a deep breath. "Yeah okay I'll wear that, thank you." She fumbled around for her chosen outfit amongst the mess. Sato hummed a note of acknowledgement and returned to his own bedroom.

It was 10 am, only half an hour until she had to be at their meeting place and she'd wasted half an hour fussing over an outfit just for Sato to pick one out in the span of 2 minutes. She quickly changed, adjusting her clothes to look as stylish on her as they possibly could before she started on hair and makeup. She'd have to be impossibly fast with the rest of her routine so she'd get there on time.

She applied minimal makeup, just the same amount as she'd wear to school with a little extra lipgloss and mascara, and then began to fiddle with her hair. She put rollers in her curtain bangs whilst she brushed through the rest of it, opting to leave it down and straight but braiding two mini plaits down the sides of her hair.

Once she was done, she checked herself in the mirror, ensuring she hadn't missed anything before she grabbed a tote bag, sliding her phone, wallet and lipgloss into it. She sprayed her favourite perfume onto her wrists and neck before she bounded out of her bedroom door, saying a quick goodbye to her brother and mom as she slid her white air forces onto her feet and then opened the door, slipping into the morning sun.

She checked the time on her phone when she started walking—10:18 am. She'd be fine, the town square where they were meeting was less than a 10-minute walk so she didn't really need to rush, but she found herself walking fast anyway, eager to see her soulmate despite seeing him every day.

Sana smiled as she made it to the town square. She was five minutes early but Kageyama was already there, sitting on a bench as he stared at his phone. Luckily, he also wore casual clothes, a light blue T-shirt and some jeans. Sana skipped up beside him and tapped his shoulder, her smile only brightening when his head shot up confusedly only for his face to soften when he saw her.

*:・゚✧*:・゚Tobio *:・゚✧*:・゚

"Hi," Sana's honeyed voice cut through the light bustling of the townspeople going about their day and the birds chirping up ahead beautifully. Tobio couldn't help the small smile that broke out.

"Hi," he repeated, standing up from the bench and pocketing his phone. He had been staring at the time for the past ten minutes after he arrived early, counting down the last fifteen mundane minutes until 10:30. Thankfully, Sana also arrived early so he didn't have to watch the minutes pass by for another five. "Um, I thought we could go get bubble tea? Sugawara said girls like that..."

Much to his relief, Sana nodded enthusiastically and tobio made a mental note to thank his upperclassman later. She happily linked her arm with his and practically dragged him in the direction of the shop down the street—the boba store presumably. Not that he would know, he rarely came here other than to buy new volleyball gear.

It barely took two minutes to get to the store and tobio wondered why he'd never noticed the vibrant purple and pastel pink sign before. they paused outside the shop and stared at the menu by the doorway. Tobio squinted at it, not understanding anything it said. the store made their drinks customisable and there was no set menu, which made things a lot harder for him since he'd never had boba in his life.

"Have you decided?" Sana asked, noticing his struggle. Tobio shook his head. "Have you had bubble tea before?" He shook his head again, turning to look at her. She smiled at him—that same smile he loved so much—and began to help him.

"Over here are the types of tea you can choose, you can choose fruit teas or milk-based teas, and over here are the types of bubbles and toppings you can put in it. There's tapioca pearls, popping bubbles and then all the jellies and pudding," she explained, pointing to all the illustrations on the menu. Tobio looked even more lost. Who knew ordering a customisable drink would be so overwhelming?

"There's so many options..." he said quietly, going back to staring at the board.

"Do you want me to order one for you?" She offered and tobio's stress washed away instantly.

"Yes please." He nodded gratefully.

"Okay, wait here. I want to surprise you."

He was about to give her his wallet to pay when she rushed into the store, greeting the cashier as if she'd known her for years. Tobio watched curiously as Sana placed their order, scanned her debit card and then continued her conversation with the worker whilst she made the drinks.

Sana was back a few minutes later with a grin and two of the same drink in hand. Tobio thanked her quietly and watched as she showed him how to stab his straw through the film on top—only after he tried to peel it off and drink the tea like a glass of water. Sana watched him eagerly as he took an experimental sip, chewing on one of the balls that had shot up through the straw.

"It's good," Tobio said, shocked at how much he actually enjoyed it. he took a bigger sip this time, his cheeks filling with tapioca.

"I got you dirty milk tea with brown sugar syrup and tapioca pearls, it's the safest option for someone who's never tried boba before." She took a sip of her own drink. Tobio nodded fervently, memorising the order so he could come back again.

He reached out and hesitantly took Sana's hand, leading her away from the storefront and back towards the benches. He revelled in the way her eyes lit up happily at the physical contact and intertwined their fingers with a little more confidence. Their locked hands swung between them as they walked, bathing in the spring sunshine and sipping on their drinks.

Tobio found himself wishing for a lifetime of this.

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