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*:・゚✧*:・゚sana *:・゚✧*:・゚

Sana waited outside the volleyball gym with her brother at her side. He had practically been bouncing with excitement when she told him she'd gotten them an invite to the volleyball gym. Sato had been begging Yamaguchi and Tsukishima to let him watch them for weeks; Sana had pulled it off in twenty minutes.

Kageyama had found them after the last class finished, rushing up to them outside their classroom and telling them to follow him, then he had them wait outside the gym whilst he asked for permission from the coach and the team captain for the twins to sit in and watch them practice.

Kageyama bounded outside minutes later with a small, soft smile on his face. He told them that the coach and captain were more than happy for them to watch and then ran up to the changing rooms.

A gorgeous third-year walked out to greet them moments later, inviting them inside and leading them over to the bench where the coach and a teacher, Mr Takeda, were sat.

"You must be the twins!" Coach Ukai greeted heartily. "We've heard a lot about you from the first years so it wasn't too big of a surprise when Kageyama asked us if you guys could watch... I have to say, you guys don't look much alike."

it was true. Whilst you could clearly tell she and Sato were siblings, they had many differences. Sana had a sharper bone structure like their father. Her cheekbones, jawline and body line were more prominent and elegant. Her eyes were a bright green with flecks of mossy brown, her lips plump and pink and her hair long, sleek and dark brown. Sato took after their mother. His features were softer and more inviting. his hair was the same colour as his twin sister's— and whilst his eyes were green, the shade was darker and muddier, almost hazel. His lips were thinner and his nose bridge was softer. His jawline was sharp but his cheekbones were not. He had rounder cheeks. Sana's body was long and thin, best suited for the ballet she so adored. Sato's was stronger and wider despite being an inch taller than Sana.

"Boy-girl twins are fraternal; we were two different eggs that just happened to be there at the same time." Sato smiled, and Sana looked at him strangely. "We share half our genomes like normal siblings, the only difference is that we shared a womb and we're born on the same day." He continued.

"Well, I wasn't expecting a biology lesson today." Ukai laughed, clapping Sato on the shoulder as the volleyball team came through the doors, their loud chatter echoing through the empty gym.

the twins took their seats on the bench next to Kiyoko as coach Ukai commanded them to start their warm-ups.

*:・゚✧*:・゚Tobio *:・゚✧*:・゚

He tried his best not to get distracted as he played in the practice match Daichi had set up. He wanted to impress her and be at his best since she was watching, but he couldn't help but glance her way every so often, to make sure she was still watching him and to gauge her reactions when pulled off a particularly good set or when he tricked the opposing team with a setter dump.

His teammates were beginning to notice and he was sure to be teased when they got back to the changing room after practice. A few more spikes from him and Hinata and they'd won. Nishinoya whined on the other side of the net about how it was unfair to let them be on the same team.

Practice was over soon after and Kageyama was feeling giddy at the thought of getting to speak to Sana after he helped pack the balls away. His small smile turned into a scowl as a volleyball thunked into his skull. He turned slowly, willing himself to not have an outburst in front of her when Tsukishima's smug face appeared in his line of sight.

"What's the matter king, too busy staring at your little crush to notice when a ball is flying your way?" He taunted.

"Don't call me that," Kageyama muttered, turning his back and walking away before his anger exploded.


*:・゚✧*:・゚Sana *:・゚✧*:・゚

The twins waited by the school gate for Kageyama to finish changing. Sato berated her for it, becoming the serious twin for once. They had ballet in an hour and needed to get home and prepare but Sana didn't want to leave without telling her soulmate how well he did—she did ask to come of course so she couldn't leave without speaking to him first. She was busy talking to Kiyoko and the coach and hadn't realised he'd gone to change already.

She rocked back and forth on the heels of her feet, checking the time on her phone every few minutes. When he finally did emerge, the entire volleyball team was with him. Most of them bid their goodbyes and started walking home, but a few lingered, waiting for Kageyama.

"I thought you left," Kageyama said quietly so his friends (and tsukishima) couldn't hear them talk.

Sana waved Sato away. he rolled his eyes but obeyed and went to talk to Yamaguchi instead. "I don't know much about volleyball so it's kind of hard to compliment your skills— but you looked really cool when you were playing."

Kageyama blushed for the nth time today. "Thanks..." he mumbled. He seemed to contemplate his words before he continued. "Do you want to—"

"Sana! ballet! now! let's go!" Sato shouted dragging his sister away before Kageyama could finish his sentence. She looked back and waved goodbye with her free hand before she and Sato broke into a sprint in an attempt to get home faster.

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