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*:・゚✧*:・゚Tobio *:・゚✧*:・゚

Tobio did not understand. He has never been one for physical contact—he resented it, in fact. But with Sana it was different. Instead of it feeling uncomfortable and an invasion of privacy, he felt warm, safe and loved.

Which is exactly why he found himself wrapped up in her embrace at 9 pm on a Tuesday night, in the safety of her bedroom with no prying eyes or annoying team members. He didn't really remember how he ended up at her house, she'd texted him after she got home from dance school an hour ago and before he knew it, he was knocking at the door, with a surprised-looking sana opening it, hair still damp from her shower and a towel in her hand.

She invited him in and took him up to her room—which led to the position he was in now, laid on her bed snuggled into her chest, nose pressed against the side of her neck breathing in the smell of her coconut and raspberry body wash. The way her fingers ran through his hair was heavenly and he was sure he could fall asleep any moment now. He pressed himself impossibly closer to her and snaked his arms underneath her back so he could hold her.

"Tobio," she started, turning her phone off and placing it on the bed beside them. "Are your parents okay with you being here this late?"

"They're in Tokyo right now," he mumbled against her neck, she giggled and moved her head away to which he made a discontented sound and followed her movement. "Stop moving."

"Tickles," she replied shortly. Tobio drew his head back and leaned his weight back on his knees, suddenly getting an idea. "what are you doing?" She questioned suspiciously as his hands crept underneath her shirt and rested on her waist just beneath her ribcage.

He didn't answer. instead, he poked his fingers into her sides teasingly, causing her to gasp and try to writhe away from him. "You're ticklish," he said with a small smile, stopping his torture after he'd gotten the proof he needed.

Sana narrowed her eyes playfully and moved to grip his wrists so he couldn't do it again. "No more." Tobio agreed and moved back towards his favourite resting place, pausing to place a quick peck on her jawline before he snuggled back down.

Sana made a small noise of surprise at the feeling of his lips on her skin and she could feel herself turning red. He seemed to pause too, not really realising what he'd done until after he did it. he slowly lifted his head and Sana met his gaze with pink cheeks, his probably looked the same.

They made eye contact for a second... then two, before they were both leaning in, their lips meeting softly before Tobio moved away again, testing the waters. He checked her face for any sign of negativity before he moved in again. Her hand came up to hold his jaw and Tobio pushed back up onto his knees so he wouldn't strain his neck. He rested one hand on her waist and the other by her head.

He didn't really have any clue what he was supposed to be doing, but Sana seemed to have some experience so he followed her lead, moving his lips in time with hers and only breathing when she breathed. As much as the thought of her kissing someone else before she knew him irked him, he was glad at least one of them wasn't completely lost.

He pulled away a few minutes later panting, his eyes fluttering open. He gazed at Sana who was already looking at him with a wide smile. "You're good at that," he admitted, leaning in to press one more peck on her lips, which proved difficult with her smiling.

Sana blushed. "so are you," she said shyly.

Tobio paused, debating whether or not he should ask her what he'd been wanting to ask her since the day their bond snapped into place. He knew she wouldn't reject him—or at least he hoped—but he was nervous for some reason.

"Is something wrong?" She asked him, brushing his hair away from his eyes.

He blinked, realising he'd spaced out on her. "Want to ask you something," he began, leaning back to sit cross-legged and pulling her up with him. She sat in front of him, patiently waiting for him to continue.

"Will you go out with me?" He stuttered, his face reddening as he averted his eyes.

*:・゚✧*:・゚Sana *:・゚✧*:・゚

Sana's heart almost burst out of her chest. She knew what he was going to say from the moment he began to speak, but hearing it out loud and having it confirmed sent a swarm of butterflies free in her stomach.

"You want me to be your girlfriend?" She asked, her smile brightening. He nodded. "Of course, I'll be your girlfriend."

Tobio's head snapped up and she couldn't help but laugh at his expression—simultaneously ecstatic and bewildered. He lunged forward, sending her flying back into her previous position on the bed. He buried his face back into her neck. Sana could feel his heartbeat thundering as he pressed himself against her and she resumed playing with his hair, pressing a kiss to his head every so often as they lay in blissful silence.

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