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*:・゚✧*:・゚Tobio *:・゚✧*:・゚

Tobio was well and truly obsessed with Sana. Every thought was consumed with her and he couldn't bring himself to care, not when she was in that outfit and laid beneath him, carding her fingers through his hair the way she knew he loved.

The filming period hadn't lasted as long as he thought it would. They got it perfect on the second take. On the first take, Yoko had stumbled over her own foot and would've landed flat on her face if Sana hadn't caught her by the back of her shirt and pulled her back up. Yoko laughed it off and they started from the beginning. by the end, a crowd had gathered to watch.

Tobio followed her home after that and flung himself on top of her as soon as the bedroom door shut behind them.

It was strange. He was used to only thinking about volleyball, wanting to play at all hours of the day...and whilst he did still think about playing volleyball a lot of the time, thoughts of Sana had overtaken his favourite sport.

Tobio pulled his face away from her neck and used his arms to prop himself up, peering down at Sana's face. She looked up at him with smoky eyes, still in her makeup from the video. "Want you to come watch us play in the interhigh games next month." He began peppering kisses along her jaw.

"Of course I'll come watch you." Sana smiled, slipping her hand under his shirt and resting her hand on his bare back. Tobio shivered at the feeling of her cold hand against his warm skin.

"When's nationals?" he asked, continuing his trail of kisses down her throat.

"September," she answered and Tobio hummed in acknowledgement. He moved back upwards and pressed a lingering kiss on her lips. She whined when he pulled away and Tobio could've died on the spot.

Sana grabbed the back of his neck and moved their lips back together. Tobio smiled slightly into the kiss, his lips moving slowly and sensually against hers. She matched his pace perfectly, tightening her grip on him as she tried to pull him impossibly closer. Tobio complied and pressed his chest to hers, sighing happily into the kiss.

They broke away a minute later, cheeks flushed and eyes shining with love. Tobio pressed one last kiss to her cheek before he buried his face back into her neck, slotting his legs between hers and slipping his arms around her waist.

*:・゚✧*:・゚Tobio *:・゚✧*:・゚

Tobio glanced up to the stands when Karasuno were stretching before their first game. He searched through the bodies until his eyes finally landed on his soulmate, his Sana, waving to him shyly from her seat, Sato and Yoko chatting next to her.

"Why are you smiling like that? It's creepy," Hinata grimaced. Tobio couldn't tell if it was because he'd spent all morning throwing up or if it was because he really found Tobio smiling that unnerving.

"Because he's in love," Nishinoya teased, making kissing noises next to Tobio's ear. The latter shoved his senior away by his shoulder, his cheeks tinging pink.

"With who?" Hinata gasped, searching in the stands for who exactly they were talking about. "You're in love with Yoko? Daichi's gonna murder you!" He set eyes on the bleach blonde in the stands, looking between Tobio and Yoko with wide eyes.

"Who am I murdering?" Daichi asked as he approached the first years and Nishinoya, one eyebrow raised.

"No one! Because no one is in love with your sister! ha ha!" Hinata tried to play it off, nudging Kageyama as if he'd just saved him when in reality he just made things worse.

"Hinata, he's in love with Sana, not Yoko." Nishinoya laughed, clutching his stomach. Kageyama gave Nishinoya a deadpan look before he turned to Daichi.

"Misunderstanding," he said simply. Daichi gave him and Hinata a strange look before he looked up to the stands, waving to his sister.

"In love with Sana, are you?" Tsukishima said condescendingly, smirking. Tobio didn't bother replying as he stalked off to stretch with Asahi.

"What did I tell you about taunting your teammates?" Daichi scolded the tall blonde. "It's game day, I don't need your starting arguments." Tsukishima nodded, clenching his jaw before he looked up to the stands himself, making eye contact with his own soulmate. He looked away with a barely noticeable sigh and began to tape his fingers. Tobio watched him, giving him an odd look.

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