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*:・゚✧*:・ Sana *:・゚✧*:・

"Are you excited?" Sana asked as she helped her soulmate neatly fold up his clothes into his duffel bag. He was never really good at utilising space so whenever he packed his own bag, he'd end up with fewer things than he needed.

"Kind of, it's been a while since we've seen them," Tobio said, laying out outfits for the both of them on the bed. If he couldn't pack the bags, he'd at least help by getting out everything they needed for their week back in Miyagi.

"Yoko rarely gets time off, I'm glad she'll be able to rest for a week." Sana sighed. She missed her best friend. Yoko had been scouted by a famous entertainment company who'd stumbled across her videos and music whilst they were in their second year, and then Yoko moved to Korea to pursue her dreams a month later. she trained for a few months, learnt the language, and then debuted as a solo artist under JYP Entertainment, quickly becoming popular and climbing up the charts.

"Do you think Tsukishima will come?" Tobio questioned before walking to their en suite to grab toiletries.

"I don't know. Yoko and Tsuki decided it was best to break up because they never see each other, but I know they still love one another...maybe they can rekindle their relationship now that she's back." Sana replied.

"But we're apart for half the year and we stayed together, there has to be some other reason that played into them breaking up."

"Maybe...but Yoko can only come home for a few weeks out of the whole year, she didn't get as lucky as we did, and I don't blame Tsuki for not wanting to give up his life to move to Korea with her. They're soulmates but their timing and careers just don't work well together."

Tobio hummed in agreement, pressing a kiss to Sana's temple as he slid past with his arms filled with toothpaste, skincare products and deodorants.

*:・゚✧*:・ Tobio *:・゚✧*:・

Tobio watched with a small smile as his soulmate gasped and rushed over to her brother and lifelong friend. the couple had arrived earlier that day, only needing to drive an hour down from Tokyo. They already had time to bring their bags into Sana's mom's house that the twins had chipped in to buy her, claiming that they could afford it now and didn't want their mom working night shifts six days a week to be able to pay rent anymore.

They got Yoshi settled in upstairs, setting up a litter box and laying out a few toys before they came down to chat and wait for the others to arrive. Tobio excused himself from the conversation with Sana's mom and joined Sana, greeting Yoko and Sato quietly, only to be clomped into a hug by the both of them.

"How are you two? Got any little ones on the way yet?" Yoko teased, wiggling her perfectly shaped eyebrows.

"We bought a kitten if that counts..." Tobio replied awkwardly. Sato snickered and Yoko looked unimpressed.

"You four all did so well," the twins' mom smiled at the group. They all turned to her, willing her to continue. "You're all at the top of your careers, all famous and well off, you should be proud of yourselves."

"Why are you so sentimental all of a sudden?" Sato said, though his lightly flushed cheeks told everyone how he really felt about his mom's words. Sato stepped away from the group hug and instead walked over to his mom, wrapping his arms around her and resting his head on her shoulder. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, my boy."

*:・゚✧*:・ Sana *:・゚✧*:・

"Does this look okay?" Sana turned to her husband who was sprawled out on Sana's old double bed, Yoshi sleeping on his chest. He lifted his head from the pillows and looked her up and down, his ears turning pink as he nodded.

Sana chuckled and smoothed out the skirt of her baby blue summer dress before walking over to where her soulmate was lying. She climbed onto the bed and straddled his stomach, leaning forward to press a few light pecks to his lips, making sure not to crush their little kitten. "Are you gonna get dressed? We have to leave soon."

"Yoshi is sleeping, I don't wanna wake her," Tobio said softly, moving his hand to pet her fur gently.

"She'll just go right back to sleep when you move, we only have 20 minutes until we need to be at the Sawamura's house," Sana replied. Tobio looked reluctant but he moved Yoshi off his chest and onto the pillows, sitting up quickly when she attempted to crawl right back on him. Sana grasped his shoulders so she wouldn't fall and laughed at his panicked expression.

"I feel bad." Tobio scrunched his nose up, watching as Yoshi mewled and then did exactly as Sana said she would, curling up on the pillow tobio had warmed up by laying on them and instantly going back to her nap.

"She's already asleep again." Sana smiled and captured his lips in a kiss, her eyes fluttering closed as she sighed happily. She'd never get tired of kissing him, not even when they were old and grey.

Tobio broke away first, resting his forehead against hers. "I love you," he said, pressing another short kiss to her lips.

"I love you too."


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