Chapter 4

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Ashley's POV—

My eyes flutter open against the bright sun coming from the only window in my bedroom. Letting out a soft yawn, I roll over onto my back, turning my head to the side to find Evan smiling at me.

"Were you watching me while I sleep?" I ask her as I rub the sleep out of my eyes.


"Creep," I mumble as another yawn escapes.

"Yeah, but I'm your creep," Evan then tells me, that smile still on her face. Looking at me like I'm the most precious thing she's ever laid eyes on.

"Wow, lucky me," I say as I move closer to her, my being still wanting to be as close to her as possible. "I've missed waking up with you right beside me."

"Me too, Love..." Evan trails off as she pulls me to her, reaching down to grab my leg, hoisting my thigh up to drape around her side. She then drapes her arm around my body. The position she has us in brings us almost flushed against each other.

For a few moments, we stay like this. Just enjoying the fact that we can do this with each other.

Eventually, Evan mumbles something about being hungry and needing a shower. She kisses me on my forehead once more before she gets out of bed. She doesn't bother putting on any of the clothes on the floor. From when she stripped down to just her boxers last night so she can sleep comfortably.

Considering we're at my house and she doesn't have any clothes here.

I let myself perv on her a bit.

My eyes slowly trail down her shirtless back—gazing at her toned back muscles—to her ass. Even though she has boxers on, I still like the view. My eyes overall liking everything they see.

She suddenly whips around. "I knew you were perving on me!" she says, making my eyes shoot back up to meet hers. But only for a moment before I trail my eyes down her body at a side view angle.

My eyes still liking what they're seeing.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Evan tells me as she fully faces me.

"Do you really want a picture of you like that on my phone?" I ask her as I apointedly glance down towards her crotch area. Where her boxers are failing to hide the fact that she's as hard as ever first thing in the morning.

"As long as it's for your eyes only, sure," she says as she shrugs.

"Oh, it would be for my eyes only. That's for sure. I wouldn't share that view with anyone," I tell her, making her huff out a small laugh.

"Wanna join me in the shower?" Evan then asks me.

"Thought you'd never ask," I say as I whip the covers off of me and climb out of bed.

A few moments later, we're in the bathroom. Evan gets in the shower first, keeping the water on cold. A moment later, she turns the temperature up and tells me I can join her. There wasn't anything sexual about us showering together this time. But even so, there was still a high amount of intimacy between us.

"So what's the plan for today?" Evan asks me as we get dressed.

"I have to do some shopping because I'm running out of food. And then Sasha wants to practice her haircutting with me," I tell her as I pull on a shirt. "So if the next time you see me, my hair looks like a'll know why." Evan laughs at my expense.

"You doing anything?" I ask her.

"I was gonna go see what my family is up to. My dad suggested I spend some time with my little brother, and I've been wanting to. I just never really had the time," she says as she zips her pants up. "I just still think it's crazy how I have a half brother who's like 22 years younger than me."

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