Chapter 35

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Hey Creampuffs!

So I don't know if you've noticed or not, but Wattpad deleted Forbidden Feelings :(

Don't worry though, I have a draft of the story saved on google drive so I can republish it. But I do want to make some edits first.

The main plot/story line is obviously going to be the same, there's just going to be slight changes. Nothing too big though, just some changes in the finer details of things.

That being said, it might take me a minute to get through the whole book. I do plan on publishing the book in pieces though. Like after I get through 5 or 10 chapters (which shouldn't take long), I'll publish those 5 to 10 chapters.

Or I might just wait until it's all edited and then publish all of it all at once. I figure it out.

Anyway. Here you're update for Where We Belong :)


Evan's POV—

"So. Are you finally going to tell me why you're so clearly bummed out?" Autumn asks me as she gently slides a lemonade across the counter towards me.

"Like I told you...I'm not bummed out."

Tonight was rough—emotionally speaking, that is.

I knew there was a chance that Ashley wouldn't want anything more to do with me, even after we kissed.

But she still ended up making it abundantly clear that she doesn't want anything to do with me in that way.

And it still hurt.

And then I didn't really want to go back to the apartment after she and Jaxon left for the night. I don't know why, but I just didn't.

I guess I just didn't want to go home and mope all alone in my room.

So I found myself at Rylie's Pub. Not to necessarily drink or anything.

I haven't drank in almost a year, and I don't plan on drinking any time soon, if any at all for the rest of my life.

All I want right now is just to find a distraction to take my mind off of things. To forget about just how much it hurt hearing Ashley turn me down.

"Sure. Keep telling yourself that," Autumn says with a sigh as another customer walks up to the bar, ordering a round of shots.

I look around the bar while Autumn's busy getting the guy the shots for him and his friends.

I spot the stage where Autumn and our band used to perform on Friday nights back when we were in high school. Back when we didn't have a care in the world about real life problems.

We just sang our hearts out and got high on the attention the audience gave us.

Rylie's Pub still has live music, but now they also do karaoke.

Tonight's a karaoke night, and I'm half tempted to vent my feelings out through singing.

But to draw that much attention to myself...I don't know.

"You know you can talk to me, right? I'd like to think we're still friends, even if we lost touch after you originally left for California," Autumn then says once she's done giving the guy his shots.

I watch as he walks over to a table full of other people. They each cheer at the sight of the shots and within seconds, they all down one.

"Yeah I know. Sorry about that, by the way. I lost touch with a lot of people from high school," I tell Autumn as I turn my attention back to her, sipping on my lemonade.

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