Chapter 6

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Ashley's POV—

"Jesus..." Shawn says, flinching and wincing at what's going on in the movie—the Black Phone. Evan and I both flinch too.

Kind of like the Menu, the Black Phone isn't really gory. Or much of a thriller. It's very suspenseful, though.

And while I was tired from our long drive here to Grand Haven—I'm wide awake now. Finding the movie interesting.

"This is gonna give me nightmares," Shawn then mumbles under his breath, earning a snicker from Evan—who currently has her arm draped over my shoulders, keeping me close to her.

"You big baby," Evan calls Shawn.

"Shut up," is all he says back to her before they both grow quiet again—focusing their attention back on the movie.

Something crashes.

But it doesn't come from the movie—it came from outside the cottage.

"What the fuck was that?" Shawn asks as he pauses the movie. All of us try to listen for something to indicate what just crashed. Something crashes again.

And maybe it's because we were at an intense/fast part of the movie—but the sound makes all of us flinch and go uneasy.

Shawn—for better or worse—gets up from the couch and walks towards the kitchen. He turns on the light before he leans over the counters to look out the windows.

"See anything?" Evan asks him as she gets up. I get up too, mainly so I can stretch my body out a bit. Evan and Aisha start to head over to where Shawn is while Landon walks over to the glass, sliding doors several paces next to and away from the couch we were all sitting on. Giving a view of the lake.

"I don't see squat. It's too dark to see anything," Shawn complains.

"I dare you to go outside and check it out," I hear Evan tell Shawn.

"What? Why me? Why should I go and risk my life?" Shawn asks, a hint of fear lacing through his words.

"You're renting the place. You're responsible for whatever happens," Evan tells him.

"It was probably just a racoon rummaging through the trash," Shawn says, marching back towards the living room and flopping himself down on the couch.

"If you say so...but if a demon-masked man with a black van and black balloon pops up and kidnaps us all—just know you were too chicken to do anything about it," Evan says as she turns the light off in the kitchen. Encasing everyone in darkness again.

"Or you could just so and—"

Something slams into the glass doors in the living room, making everyone yelp. Landon screams the most—considering he was the closest to the doors. He jumps and spins around to face the door, falling and landing on his ass. Scooting away.

I look towards the door, my heart racing a million miles per second.

"Guess who's here! Now, let me in!" Drew shouts from outside the glass doors.

"Jesus, Drew," Evan groans. When I glance at her, I notice her pushing Aisha away from her. Confusion on why she pushed her away only lasts for a moment before Evan walks over to the glass doors to let Drew in.

"You fucking idiot. You nearly gave us all heart attacks," Evan says with annoyance in her voice as Drew walks into the cottage with a backpack on his back.

"Yeah, you guys should have seen your faces. Especially that one...whoever you are," Drew says, pointing and referring to Landon for the last bit. Who is still on the floor.

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