Chapter 31

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Hey Creampuffs! Guess who's back!

Sorry about being MIA for a while—I've been really busy trying to get my midterms done. I had two really big papers to do. And after all that research and writing, I physically and mentally could not write. I needed a break.

But midterms are over, I had a refreshing and recharging Spring Break, additional week or so break on writing, and now I'm ready to get back into it. I'll be trying to update more for this book and for She's All I Need.

So with that—

Lez get back into it.



Evan's POV—

"Why are you up so early? Don't you have the day off?" Landon asks me as he walks out of the closet, catching me tying my shoes.

"Yeah, but I'm trying to develop and maintain healthier habits. Sleeping in till noon is not really a good habit," I just tell him.

I've been trying to wake up early every day since I got out of rehab. I figured sleeping in till noon isn't exactly a healthy habit, even on days off from work.

I've been working for nearly a month now. In that amount of time, I've been able to learn a lot more about music production. Most of the time, I don't actively get involved with the music making process yet. When working with clients, Chase and Cora do most of the work, having me do some here and there so I can get some hands-on experience.

I've got a long way to go before I can get more involved.

Which is fine.

I have the day off today though.

There's no meeting with clients and Chase and Cora have other things they need to do. Things that they don't need me dragging them down on.

"What are you planning on doing with your day off?" Landon then asks me as he walks back over to his side of the room.

"Maybe look at a couple apartments. I'll send pictures to you," I tell him as I finish tying my shoes.

At this point, with living at my dad's for over a month now, going on two...

I'm about ready to have my own space now.

I've been keeping up with my therapy too. And now being in therapy for several months, I trust myself more to be more independent.

Landon and I are planning on being roommates for the time being, though. Which is fine with me because even though I want my own space and want more independence, I still don't entirely trust myself to be alone.

No, I don't think I would immediately reach for lifts the second I moved out on my own, but I'm not taking chances right now. Maybe with more time I'll be ready to be completely on my own. But not right now.

Not while the urges are still insanely high—even if they are decreasing a bit.

And not while I'm still trying to overcome my depression.

"Sounds good. Maybe we can move out before February," Landon says, now heading for the door to our room. "Whelp. I'm off," he says before he leaves.

Yawning, I fight the urge to kick my shoes off, flop back down onto my bed, and go back to sleep.

Giving myself a good shake, I grab my jacket and head out of the room.

Everyone else is already out of the house for the day. Both Amelia and my dad are at work, Nate's in school, and Roxy's off somewhere too.

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