Chapter 8

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Hey Creampuffs, did you miss me?

A lot has happened since I last updated. My mom is doing a lot better now—we're still working on some things but it's a lot better than it was before. I don't have as much family responsibility anymore and I'm currently on break from school—so I don't have to worry about that for the moment either.

So overall, things are getting better.

Thanks so much to those who wished me the best when my family crisis was at its peak. It meant a lot to know that you guys understood where my priorities were—especially since there can be a lot of people on here who demand updates ASAP.

Don't get me wrong, I totally get wanting to have updates as soon as possible, especially when the story is good. So I don't blame anyone who wants quick updates.

But nonetheless, having your support meant a lot.

That said, I'm finally getting my writing going again. Future updates might still be slow, and I apologize for that, but I'm at a point where I can get back into writing without having many responsibilities holding me back.

So, les get into it!

- Max


Ashley's POV—

"Hi, this is Diane Cooper's office. This is her assistant Ashley speaking. How can I help you," I say as I answer the phone at work.

Another person wanting to schedule a meeting with her.

After looking through Diane's calendar, with both her work and private life responsibilities listed on it, I set an appointment and type down the purpose of the meeting.

Just another standard one.

Nothing special.

Our latest product, the one that was released in time for Labor Day weekend was successful. And now we're already working on our next release—which will be released soon.

"Alright, is that all I can do for you?" I then ask the person on the other line.

They want to speak to her directly.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Cooper is unavailable right now. Can I take a message or do you want her to call you back when she's available?" I say, rubbing my forehead because I'm more than ready to go home now.

I've been here since 8 in the morning and usually by 1pm, the day starts to drag on. But I still have at least a few more hours to get through.

The client wants to speak to her directly, so they don't let me take a message from them. The second we hang up, I grab a sticky note and quickly write the client's name and info on it as a way for me to remember who called.

Eventually Diane comes back from her lunch break and I let her know that someone wants to talk to her directly.

She thanks me when I hand her the sticky note with the client's name and info, silently dismissing me to go back to my responsibilities as her assistant.

Shortly Diane and I head off into a meeting. I don't have any authority or say in these meetings. I just go and take notes on everything that happened. Mainly the important things. Occasionally, Diane will ask for my input—but those rarely happen.

She only asks me for my input sometimes because she knows that I want to eventually get more involved with the actual workings of products.

But for this meeting, I just take notes. And with so many things to keep track of, and running on not much sleep because I didn't sleep great..the meeting dragged on. And it was an effort to pay attention for the whole duration of the meeting.

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