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The next day, I went over to my sister's house. We made plans to just hang out. Sakura and Silvianna seemed to be enjoying themselves. I however, couldn't get what happened the other day out of my head.

"Kohlra? Is something wrong?"

"Huh? Oh no, I'm ok."

"Lies! Something's not right, tell us!"

"I uh..."

"Come on Kohlra."

"Fine!" I shouted, "You wanna know so damn badly!? I was raped yesterday! Happy now!?"

Tears streamed down my face. They sighed and sat beside me. Sakura pulled me into a hug and Silvianna put her hand on my shoulder to reassure me.

"It's ok, it's ok."

I continued to cry and cry. Why did this happen to me? I mean, Sakura has way more fanboys but I was brutally raped...and I'm younger than her!

"Did you tell Omega?" Sakura asked.

"No, not yet."

"When you see him, tell him." Silvianna said.

I nodded. Hopefully he'll understand.

Dear Kami...please help me...


After I came back home, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and you wouldn't believe who was there.

"What do you want Vegeta?" I said annoyed.

"Come on, don't be like that. You know you liked it." he smirked.

"Liked it!? You bastard! Go away! I want nothing to do with you!"

I slammed the door in his dace and cried. That son of a bitch. How dare he come to my house and remind me of his idiotic actions?


That night, Omega came back home. I ran to him and hugged him tightly, crying in his arms.

"Is everything alright?" he asked.

"Promise not to get mad?"

"I promise."

I took a deep breath and looked at him, tears staining my face. I told him everything that happened. He had two expression on his face: sadness and rage.

"'re leaving me?"

"What? No no, I would never do that!"

His expression changed rather quickly. He was really pissed.

"Where is he?"

I took him to the lookout to Dende. I called Sakura over too because she wanted to kill Vegeta. Let's just didn't end well for him.

That night, I was able to sleep peacefully. Omega came into the room and laid next to me, kissing my neck passionately.

"What are you doing?" I said slightly blushing.

"Remember one thing alright? You're mine to fuck and no one else's."

I giggled. He was so overprotective. He really didn't like it when other guys were flirting with me.

"Alright, you got me."

I was really...really happy that night. And not just because Vegeta got his just deserts.

Kohlra the SaiyanWhere stories live. Discover now