Vegeta's Struggle

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Vegeta's POV

It was late at night. I sat on the edge of my bed in my boxers when the wrench came in. She got into her sleepwear. And got in.

She started kissing my neck and I growled. Now was not the time. I pushed her off and looked away with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Vegeta! What was that for!?" she yelled.

"I'm not in the mood..." I growled.

"Why not?"

"Because you annoy me!"

It was true. Ever since that night with the saiyan girl, I've felt less and less attracted to Bulma. She got on my nerves more than usual.

"Vegeta, you never want to have sex nowadays... Something's up and I want to know."

"Lay off." I said even more annoyed.

"A-are you bored of me?" she asked, her voice squeaking.

I was a little bored. No matter what she did, I never found any pleasure. With the girl, it was different. When Prince was conceived, the way she kissed my neck felt like nothing I've ever experienced before.

"Vegeta, are you bored of me!?" she yelled.

"Well I know someone who can give me more pleasure than you ever could in your whole life time!" I snapped.

"W-what? Vegeta...are you cheating on me?"

I stood silent. There was no way I was going to answer that. Tears were in her eyes. Oh boy, not again. I didn't want to deal with this, not now. I put on my armor, stormed off and flew away.

Damn that woman. I couldn't tell her about Kohlra. That was between me and Whis, no one else. Suddenly I bumped into something and fell on my ass.

"Ouch! Watch where you're going!" I screamed.

"O-oh. Sorry Vegeta..."

Oh great. It was that midget.

"You're lucky I'm not in the mood to kick your ass shorty!"

"Whoa...what's your problem?"

I sighed. There wasn't anyone else to talk to and I'm certainly not looking for Kakarot.

"It's that wretched Earth woman."

"Ya mean Bulma? Well she can be a pain."

"Indeed. She asked me the dumbest question ever. And I'm definitely not telling her about Kohlra."

I covered my mouth in an instant. What did I just say!?

"Wait, Kohlra?"

Well, I guess the secret's already out. I might as well say it.

"A long time ago, I raped Kohlra when we first met. Her husband, or ex husband I should say, killed me but I was revived. Then I apologized to her and we sorta..."

"Sorta what?"

I glared at him.

"Tell anyone and it's the end for you." I growled.

He gulped, looking quite nervous before silently nodding.

"Good. We sorta...kinda...has sex..."


"Yes. And she fell pregnant with my child."

"Oh you mean Prince?"

I wide eyed him. He knew!? But how!?

"H-how did you know!?"

"Yamcha, Tien and Piccolo were helping her move to her new fiancé's house."

Fiancé!? How dare someone else steal my mate!? The mother of my child!?

"Are you serious!?"

"Yep. He looks a lot like you. They told me."

I picked him up by the collar of his shirt. Oh, how much I wanted to kill him! No doubt, I wanted to destroy him.

"Two things... First of all, tell them I said this. If they tell anyone, and I mean ANYONE I will kill them and send them to hell! That goes for you too! Understand!?"

He nodded rapidly, mostly out of fear of me killing him.

"Second of all, what else happened to her!?"

"W-well... Piccolo told me that she was p-pregnant."

"Pregnant!? With whose child!?"

"Probably her fiancé."

"Who is he!? What's his name!?" I spat.

He cowarded and flinched as I yelled.

"His name's Guillermo. He's a full blooded saiyan from another dimension. He looks just like Goku, expect he has a scar on his face."

A low class no doubt. And he looked like Kakarot!? That really pissed me off. A low class that looks like Kakarot had stolen MY mate and impregnated her!? That was one thing I could not stand for.

I let go off the human's collar and let him drop to the ground.

"You will not tell anyone of this conversation or I will find you and kill you."

"Y-yeah... O-ok..." he stuttered.

I headed back to Capsule Corp. Boy was this day really pissing me off. I just found out that people know of my affair and a man stole and impregnated my mate. He will surely pay.

But my main priority was to make sure no one knew of my relationship. When I walked through the door, I could hear voices coming from the living room. I stepped inside and the person sitting on the couch talking to Bulma was...


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